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Patch 00003

September 16th, 2004


[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]

. There is now a delay when you disconnect from the game, in order to prevent abuses.
. The "language" setting in the configurator is now effective (you don't need to edit the .cfg file for it).
. You can now view the game credits, in the Help menu. :)
. The automatic sentences said by merchant NPCs won't flood the chat window.

[ G r a p h i c s ]

. Zoraï Land has been extended, you should be able to access the new zones now.
. Kamis and Karavan teleporters have a "kite" flying above them, so that you can spot them better.
. New loading screens when you launch the game, teleport, leave the game, etc.
. The animation for armor crafting ("sewing") has been improved.

[ I n t e r f a c e ]

. You can select which gauges to display in your Gauges panel ; just right-click it. :)
. The 4 default interface layouts (F1 F2 F3 F4) have been reviewed.
. A button in the game configuration lets you select the hardware mouse pointer.
. The Help pages have been updated.

[ C o m b a t ]

. The progression in Combat between levels 150 and 250 should be easier now.

[ C r a f t i n g ]

. The chances of success in Crafting have been increased.


. Buff / debuff effects were not calculated properly, making them mostly unnoticeable.
. The success rate of Crafting actions wasn't calculated properly.
. You can no longer put items in your mektoub's inventory if the mektoub is too far away from you.
. You can no longer send your mektoub to a stable if the mektoub is too far away from you.
. Several bug fixes in death penalty management (XP gain, system messages...).
. When a item reaches 0 HP, you can't make it work again by delogging & relogging into the game.
. Sometimes when gaining XP in several skills at once, the last skill processed didn't get the XP.

. Various bug fixes in guild inventory management.
. A very serious bug in the temporary inventory system has been fixed.
. Character Selection sometimes made you start the game with another character of yours.

. Bad collisions in Fyros Land could make you "fly" ; this has been fixed.
. Several missing animations have been added.
. A "dead bodoc shell" static object was lacking a texture.
. In Direct3D mode, a bug made the textures on some buildings appear as pink.

. The "pad" panel and the icon bar have been cleaned and debugged.
. Lots of text corrections. :)
. Selecting NPCs with static objets near them shouldn't be a problem anymore.
. The camera shouldn't go through static objects anymore.
. The Action Progression window doesn't show unimplemented actions or stanzas anymore.
. If your target isn't a raw materials source, your character won't try to extract it anymore.
. During patching, a small slider on the right was bugged and didn't work properly.

. A possible memory leak has been corrected.
. A bug exploit allowed some people to cheat during money exchanges.
. Sometimes a black screen appeared before you could login.
. A bug in the patching process sometimes made your game client enter a "patch loop".


. Being in a team keeps you from completing kill-missions (the kill can be attributed to the wrong player).

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