How to engage in combat
Atys provides you with many adversaries that you will have to face.
Note: you will not be able to attack allied NPCs.
The first step is to select your target. The target's name and life bar will then appear in your target window.
Caution: if you carrying a tool, you will not be able to make an attack! You must have either a weapon in your hand or no weapon at all in order to engage in combat.
Knowing the strength of your adversary is important before engaging in combat. You can view his strength in the lower box of the target window. A colour code provides you with information on his strength. The colour codes, by order of strength are: Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple.

Next, there are several possible ways to engage in combat:
Caution: some types of creatures, such as predators, will attack of their own accord if you get too close!
• Click on your target to attack. If you are out of range, your character will run to get close enough for the attack.
• Right-click on the target to open the context menu from where the attack option also allows you to engage in combat.
• Lastly, the "default attack" icon on the action bar allows you to engage in combat, as for all the other combat actions. Clicking on this icon or the corresponding number key activates the attack.
Now combat is engaged. Your default attack will now cycle repeatedly. In your character window, you will see the time bar progress between hits. The energy bars and messages let you know how the battle is going. Don't forget that it can sometimes be a good idea to make a run for it!
As you progress, you will learn new combat actions. You can make use of different actions during a combat engagement and in fact, this is strongly recommended. All you need to do is simply click on the given icon or press the number key corresponding to the action slot. Double-click to repeat the action in a loop or single click to activate it just once. The default attack is repeated by default.
Note: the action pending, visible in your character window, can be changed as long as the current action has not yet been completed.
Caution: except for the default attack, all other combat actions use up stamina. If your stamina falls to 0, you will then only be able to use the default attack!
Before engaging in combat, choose your equipment carefully. Good armour can save your life and certain weapons are more effective than others against certain creatures.
The end result of a combat can be the death of your character or the death of your enemy, in which case you can loot and pillage the corpse.