How to find raw materials
Materials play an important role on Ryzom, as they are needed as ingredients in the manufacture of special items.
Raw materials are found in the ground of Atys and also can be retrieved from animals.
Finding an animal raw material is as simple as finding the animal itself.
Ground-based raw materials are more difficult to locate. To carry out this task, you will need to make use of various tools and actions.
How to locate a raw material source:
Raw materials accumulate to form sources and finding these constitutes the major part of the task.
Begin by placing the "pick or extraction tool" (pick) in your hand.
Then engage a prospection action. The first available to you is called "Basic Prospection" (basic prospection).
Caution: prospection actions consume focus energy.
When you locate a source, it will be visible thanks to a small, green glowing heap on the ground. The "Raw Material Source" window also appears.

This window provides you with information about:
• The possible extraction time (hourglass icon)
• The quantity of raw materials in the source (flask icon)
• A red heart (source life) indicates the life of the source. If you extract too quickly, this gauge will plummet rapidly and cause the extraction to cease or even cause an explosion which renders the surrounding area sterile for a certain amount of time.
• An explosion (extraction risk) indicates the extraction risk.
Luckily, you will learn extraction actions and careplans that will allow you to combat these dangers.
• A Kami head (kami tolerance in this area) indicates the possible intervention of a Kami if players overexploit the deposit too intensively.