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How to progress in the game

by MoaVoa Creation Date : Monday,27 March , 2006
Contributors: Luxan

Progression system fits to your playstyle.

How do I earn new titles?

Your character earns new titles when your skills reach certain set levels.

How do I earn new skills?

The use of a skill (during an associated action) raises the score for this skill.
Each skill has a maximum and minimum score.
For example, the fight skill (fight) has a minimum score of 1 and a maximum of 20.
When a skill reaches its maximum score, the next skills become automatically available.

For example, in the case of the magic skill, the defensive magic and offensive magic skills become available. These new skills therefore have a score of 21.

Your progression along the tree of skills follows the progression of the skills that you use.
New skills are unlocked and become available (in orange) when the previous skills have reached their maximum threshold (in green).

How do I earn new actions?

Unlike skills, earning new actions does not happen automatically. You must learn these from trainer NPCs.
In the starter camps, the trainers can be found near to where you appear.
The trainers teach you actions in exchange for skill points (SP).
You can check you skill points score in the identity section. At the start of the game, your score is at 0.

There are four categories of skill points available to you:

• Combat, to learn combat actions.
• Magic, to learn magic actions.
• Craft, to learn craft actions.
• Prospecting and Extraction of resources, to learn prospecting and extraction actions.


You earn skill points when the score for a particular skill increases by one point. Combat skills allow you to earn combat points, magic skills earn magic points, etc.
Note that learning an action often allows you to unlock the learning of a more powerful action (acid damage 1 unlocks acid damage 2). The NPC masters will only show you those actions that you can learn.
An action that has been learned appears automatically in your action toolbar, as well as in the actions section.

Note: each NPC master will offer actions from other categories so that you might learn these if your character does not already possess any of them. In this way, a fighting character, for example, can acquire the rudiments necessary to become a magician.

How do I enhance my characteristics?

You can enhance your characteristics by learning characteristic boosts (such as "constitution 1", for example) from the NPC trainers.
You must also use up skill points in order to learn these characteristic boosts.

The come into effect immediately and you can check this in the player's Identity section. You do not earn an action in this case.

Tip: start by learning characteristic boosts before learning actions.

How do I increase my energies?

Your energies, life points, stamina, sap and focus increase automatically as your characteristics progress.
If you want to increase your life points therefore, develop your Constitution characteristic.

You can also increase the rate of regeneration of your energies by increasing the associated characteristics.
For example, increasing the Metabolism characteristic makes your life points regenerate more quickly.

Open your identity window ("P") to check which characteristic affects which energy:

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