Wednesday,06 June , 2007 at 13:55 UTC
From June 21st, the limit will be brought back down to 21. Any characters who have reached a level higher than 21 by June 21st will keep their level but won't be able to progress further without upgrading to a paying account.
Note: The level limits will be changed at 8am GMT.
Click here to install the game then here to create a free account. To upgrade a Free Trial account to a paying account you'll need to log in here.
Tuesday,15 May , 2007 at 12:04 UTC
A spectacular event where the Journeyers from Cho and the Refugees and Wayfarers from Arispotle could properly unite for the first time under a common banner.
Cyrize, acting Master of Ceremonies, opened with beautiful words which later introduced the four nervous homins, Mokdarion, Fasinia, Final, and Zepth, who exchanged gifts with one another, as symbols of offerings from each community. The formalities where closely followed by an amazing spectacle of fireworks by the members of the Atrium Keepers.
Afterwards, the evening continued on with fun and games for the homins who made it past Pyr bar. The excitement went uninterrupted long into the night with homins who had never met each other talking and embracing like brothers.
On the boards... You can also find footage of the ceremony by Beau here and screenshots taken by Gloife here.
This is an unofficial players news
Monday,22 January , 2007 at 16:00 UTC
Monday,06 November , 2006 at 21:09 UTC
Great work Homins!
Find below screenshots of the four Exterminator Kitin bosses. Click on a picture to enlarge it.
This is an unofficial players news
Friday,03 November , 2006 at 13:50 UTC
On this coming Saturday, November 4th 2006, Tim has planned a CAD Ryzom GameDay between 5pm and 8pm EST. The server that the GameDay will be held on has yet to be announced, but will be decided as the day comes closer. There will be hundreds of new Atysian citizens coming in for a look at Silan, so let's have give them a warm homin welcome when they arrive!
Tuesday,24 October , 2006 at 15:30 UTC
This is an unofficial players news
Monday,17 July , 2006 at 16:30 UTC
The discussion will include a variety of topics such as:
- What do you use to make your videos
- Good resources for free music
- Exchanging ideas about what sorts of videos we can make
- How can we support each other in making videos
- How can we host/promote our videos, so more people from and new to Atys can see them
- Should we agree on a central site for Atysian videos (say Acridiel's site and/or others).
There are already forum threads about this on the English and German boards, and hopefully someone can translate it into French too. More info about the event is on these threads.
I hope to see you all there!
Update (07/18): the thread on the French board is now available.
Tuesday,18 October , 2005 at 18:23 UTC
Yesterday, Episode 2 has reached new grounds, as the war for raw materials and construction of religious temples has entered its first large scale phase. We have carefully followed the action in game, and your reactions on the boards, and there are a few clarifications and hints we want to give and discuss with you.
Additionally, we have activated the web version of the Hall of Fame on the roleplay website opened yesterday, the Atys Chronicles.
Desert raw materials
Raw materials for the construction of the temples are currently gathered on a desert land, and it gives an advantage to the foragers specialised in this ecosystem. We understand this is considered unfair by a lot of you, so we'll prepare a patch to modify the way it works and allow everyone to use its foraging skills to its full potential. More on this in a few days.
In the meantime, remember that you can always dig up to the level 50 even if you are specialised in some other ecosystem; also, you earn more honor points by digging higher quality materials, but the Hall of Fame doesn't take the quality into account.
The PvP has been modified just a few weeks ago. Innovative and efficient strategies are yet to be discovered - that's one of the interests of Episode 2. Don't hesitate to try new ways of fighting.
Also, we've noticed that a large part of the characters used in the PvP conflicts are still using old-fashioned jewels and do not use the new resistance characteristics we've added in the rebalancing patch; it thus gives an advantage to casters and reduces combat duration and strategies.
In any case, we'll closely follow the PvP fights on the new land and fine-tune it when necessary.
Craft action
When you take a craft mission for the Episode 2, you have to create a new action (Kami craft or Karavan craft) on your shortcut bar - this isn't done automatically.
You'll then need a jewel crafting tool to use it - but you don't need to know anything about jewelry, as your highest crafting skill is used as a reference.
Kitin spawns
To lower the death penalty you get when you play on the new harvesting map, we'll slow down the kitin respawn rate here. Instead of respawning every 2 minutes, they'll respawn every 10 to 15 minutes.
Honor points
During a fight, the honor points are distributed according to the percentage your team was able to inflict on a victim. When an opponent dies, if your team has inflicted - for example - 70% of the damages, the team will earn 70% of the factions points. These points are distributed equally between all members who are performing a combat action or are healing a team member nearby.
For craft and harvest missions, you earn points when you give the raw materials or the crafted items to the NPC.
When you respawn, you loose honor points - if you get raised before having to respawn, you do not loose honor points.
Also, be sure to not mistake Hall of Fame points (displayed on the statues) with honor points (displayed in the identity window - 'P' shortcut); they are calculated differently.
Hall of Fame points
The first thing to do in order to get Hall of Fame points is to take Episode 2 missions from the Kami and Karavan NPCs and follow the dialogues until the end; if you haven't an active mission corresponding to the action you're performing and don't listen to everything the NPC has to say, you won't earn any points from it.
Also, scores shouldn't be compared between the different branches (fight, craft, forage), as they are calculated differently. It is only relevant to compare scores of a given branch.
Kami/Karavan conflict neutrality
Neutrality in the on-going conflict will definitely be an option; there won't be specific gameplay for neutral players, but a roleplay ground and specific instructions will be given shortly. You'll have your own way of influencing the Episode 2 outcome.
Kami tolerance
To allow uninterrupted action on the foraging land, we'll prevent the Kami tolerance from lowering here. We'll prepare a patch for this and apply it in a few days.
Wednesday,12 October , 2005 at 10:30 UTC
The weekend past saw both the Kami and the Karavan harden their respective positions in the struggle for hearts and minds on Atys, as both sides announced huge rallies to be attended by as many of their supporters as possible. In reality these turned out to be two of the best attended events ever in the Saga as hundreds of players arrived from all over Atys to hear what their faction leaders had to say about the coming War.
When they arrived, they were greeted with a surprise on both days, as the importance of the occasions meant that in support of the Karavan both King Yrkanis of the Matis and Governor Still Wyler of the Tryker race appeared in person. The next day, the Kami conference saw the appearance of no less a person than the emperor of the Fyros, Dexton accompanied by Grand Sage Mabreka of the Zorai peoples. Loud and long did the assembled Homins cheer their leaders whilst marvelling at their unique attire and potent weapons.
After the officials finished their rousing speeches, it was time for the guild Leaders of Atys to have their say. Much lore was displayed and great wisdom shown as the majority of the guilds on both sides reluctantly decided the inevitability of the coming war and reiterated their support for either Kami or Karavan. A very few lone guilds opted to stay neutral and it will be interesting to follow their position in the coming days of strife.
Finally, the floor in both meetings was opened to allow the Homins of either persuasion to speak at the assembly that matched their allegiance and faith. With sadness and determination the main conclusion was that Hominkind should follow their leaders and Jena or Ma-duk into the coming struggle. All Atys is poised for war - what will happen now?
Meanwhile the supporters of the Kami and the Karavan have not been idle, and have produced these affirmations of faith for their Homins:

It seems as if the differences of faith and ethos are now irreconcilable, and it behoves homins to hold fast to the faith they so clearly hold testament to whilst preparing themselves for the events that are poised to unfold over the next few weeks.
The struggle for Atys - are you ready for the fray?