Answers To Questions From The Board - 2005-04-04
How works the command /chatLog, how we selected the ATS testers, minor and major prospecting, the freedom offered by the multi-class system, bulks and slots of the inventories, the name of weapons and how the Zoraïs' mask holds on their face.
/chatLog. How does this work?
It's quite simple : you just have to type '/chatLog' in the chat window to switch it on or off. A message will appear in the system window to give you the new state of the logging function. When it is switched on, il will record all your discussions (and the ones you hear) in a text file. This text file will be located in the 'save/' subfolder of your Ryzom installation folder (usually 'C:\Program Files\Ryzom\', so try to look into 'C:\Program Files\Ryzom\save'). Its name will be 'log_<char_name>.txt'.
Where can the music be downloaded to use in home made movies?
Until now you couldn't, except if you had some hacking skills... But this is a good idea, since it can be useful for everyone. So I I have put them directly on the website : have a look here. :-)
How do you select people for the ATS what are the criteria and how often are new testers added to the ATS server. As a player of a few mmo' Ryzoms system is very strange to me, i've applied and enjoy testing mmo's but find the lack of even a rejection msg somewhat disapointing.
To fully answer to your question, I will describe the full process we use to validate new testers into the ATS.
When you submit this form, your application gets included in a database. The ATS team leaders (there is one for each community) have an access to this database through a dedicated backend, where they can choose the players they want to approve. This selection is supervised by the SGM of the corresponding community, which validates the propositions of the team leaders.
To make their choice, they take into consideration the following elements :
- The motivation you show to test on the ATS in your comment
- Your level and when you've started playing, to be sure you know enough of the game to be able to test in good conditions
- When possible, what they know by themselves of the applying player, for eg. if they have met you in the game, what's your reputation, etc.
What is looked for is interest to test, curiosity for new stuff, being able to work in a team, having an "eye" for bugs. We do not send rejection messages, since all submitted applications can potentially still be accepted at some point in the future : when your application isn't accepted immediately, it doesn't mean that you fail to meet those criterias.
The number of players we accept is closely linked to the content to test on the ATS. For example, when the outposts will reach the ATS, we will need a *lot* more people on it than we need now.
At what lvl should it be possible to craft weapons with parry/dodge modifiers. I've attempted this on a selection of 1h weapons ql 110 to 160 using relevent mats but nothing changes. This was a bug according to a GM but theres been patch notes stating these are now active since my first report but nothings changed.
The crafting plans for weapons currently do not have their correct parry/dodge bonus attributed. There are two things to be worked on before it can be fixed in-game : raw material bonuses need to be more precise, to allow decimal values (level designers need to be able to assign for eg. +0.3 instead of only +0 or +1), and the system need a bit of balancing.
About specialised prospecting for materials: Is there a significant difference between Minor and Major prospecting? Or Material Specializing and Craftable Item Part Specializing? Or (for example) "Ammo Jacket" and "Lining" (both of these can be made from Resin) Craftable Item Part Specializing? Theoretically there may be a small difference but practically they all do the same. An example: Minor Resin Prospection, Major Resin Prospection, Minor Ammo Jacket Raw Material Prospection, Major Ammo Jacket Raw Material Prospecton, Minor Lining Raw Material Prospection, Major Lining Raw Material Prospection, Pretty much do the same, they will find me some Resin, yet cost 20 SP each...
The difference between minor and major prospecting is that you get more chances to find the material with the major one (in 'Minor Resin Prospection', 'Minor' refers to prospection, not to 'Resin'). As said in this Q&A, there is a random factor associated to specialized prospecting : with major prospecting, what you basically get is the ability to roll the dice a second time if you fail the first time.
About the difference between 'Material Specializing' and 'Craftable Item Part Specializing' : the first allows you to get a given material, while the second will match any material allowing you to craft the specified item part. The resulting material are not different, it's just two different ways to get them : with your example, you're able to specify that you want raw material for ammo jacket or directly resin if you want a specific bonus, at the end the resin you will get will be the same.
Don't you think that the free multi-class system can be a bad thing in the long term ? If everybody can do everything, there are only minimal interactions between homins. Furthermore, multiclassing allows some classes to be too powerfull compared to some others.
There is a principle really at the core of our motivation in developing Ryzom : freedom. We want you to be able to choose what will do your character; here it means that we do not predesign classes, we let up to you to invent your own class, choosing among the skill sets. That's exactly the same reason that led us to empower you with the ability to design your own actions using stanzas.
That said, our vision has of course some advantages and some drawbacks. On the drawback side, depending on your choices, your self-made class can be weaker or stronger than others; this makes some configurations more popular than others, as there is no way to get the system perfectly balanced across the high number of possibilities. On the advantages side, grouping for example is more flexible, as you are not stuck to a given role, or the fact that you can explore very different aspects of the game (fight/magic/harvest/craft) without having to recreate a new character from scratch and abandon the first one. Without the freedom that the current system allows, that wouldn't be possible.
Another point is the fact that, even if you can learn magic and melee, using both at the same time is not as efficient as only performing one of them : due to armor modifiers, you have to choose where you want to specialize on a given fight.
And as for reducing interactions, this is not necessarily the case, as not everybody enjoys doing everything : crafting and fighting are really two different types of play, and most of the time you will prefer one over the other. And don't forget that there will be new skills progressively added to the game. If you wonder about long term, as time passes, it will be increasingly difficult and lengthy to master everything, especially if you consider the fact that a part of the shards population change over the years.
Quoting Xavier: ''"Place in inventories (bag, mektoub and guild storage) are limited by two factors : bulk and slots. Each item has a given weight and size (the bulk), and the maximum you can carry is dependant on your character."'' Can we get an explanation of these character dependencies?
Yup : currently only the weight is dependant of your character, and relies on your strength. You can carry more than your maximum weight, but then your speed and some of your characteristics will start to decrease. At some point, the bulk could also become character-dependant, and be increased by buying upgrades with skill points.
Why do some weapons have a different name on their crafting plan than the one they have at other places, such as in the shops or in the inventory ? It's not really helpful to know what is what.
Every weapon has in fact two names : a descriptive one, which is the one you usually get in most places (like 'Fyros Light Pants'), and a more "roleplay" one (here, 'Hoben Pants'). Until now, you're right, one was displayed in some places, and the other on other places, which can lead to some confusion. So, we will fix the problem by calling all the weapons after the same name - it will probably be done in the next patch.
But beware! Since we have chosen the roleplay one (the more descriptive one will now only be displayed in the info window), and that currently this is mostly the descriptive one which is used, you may have to get used to it.

How the Zorai mask holds on their face?
Ah ah, good question. :-) I do not want to give too much details here, as this is related to informations the current events are releasing. But I can give you a few hints : the Zorai mask is not an usual mask, it's biological, and related to the nanoseed...