First Missions
Your first steps as a homin...
You'll notice that your new character starts out near an NPC with the title Welcomer - this NPC exists to help you get accustomed to the game. Left-click once on the NPC to select them, and you'll see your mouse cursor change. The text next to your mouse cursor lets you know what the default action will be if you double-click on this target.
To see all the actions available, right-click once and a full selection menu will appear. Choose the default action for the Welcomer and you will receive your first mission, a simple tour of your starting camp. You can press J to open your journal at any time to see your current missions and your progress in each one.

During your mission, as well as during any general exploration, you'll find your compass to be very useful. By default it is located in the upper-right corner of your screen. Normally the arrow on your compass will be white and point to the north, but you can change this by right-clicking on the compass and using the context menu to choose a different target. For most missions, you'll be able to set your compass to point to the target you need to visit by selecting it from the Missions section of this menu.
Ignore that welcoming mission for now and try right-clicking on the Welcomer again. You'll see an option to learn more about combat. Choose this option to receive a new mission, to find and kill a Suckling Yubo. If you received a weapon from one of your initial action packs, you should equip it now. (If you didn't, you can just use your bare hands - it will take a bit longer, but you can still do it). Make sure that you have a weapon equipped and not a Pick or Crafting Tool, or you won't be able to attack. You'll find a Yubo just outside the camp. To attack, just click on the Yubo once to select it, and again to begin attacking - your default physical attack will continue to execute until you or your target has fallen.
During the battle, take a look at your gauge window, located in the upper-left by default. This window gives you a readout of your current status. For now, the only gauge that concerns you is the red one at the top, which is your HP. If your HP reaches 0, you'll pass out and eventually die. This won't be a problem during this battle, but it will happen eventually.

When the Yubo dies, you should see a sparkling column of light appear around your character. You've gained a level in Fight! Although you'll become a bit more powerful each time you gain a level, you need to train to learn new skills or to increase your stats. In order to train, you'll need to visit one of the trainer NPCs back in the camp. If you didn't gain a level from one Yubo for some reason, make sure you're healthy enough to take on another one, then kill a second - you'll certainly level up from two.
Before you go, take a few seconds to loot your kill. Target the fallen Yubo and you'll notice that your cursor will change to Quartering - this will allow you to collect resources from the Yubo. Quarter the Yubo and after a few seconds you should receive an assortment of items, ranging from hides to bones to meat - some of these are just to sell, other can be used to craft items. You can right-click on any of these items to get more information on them. Make sure you click Take All to get all the items, even if you don't want to use them yourself, they can be sold or traded away.
Time to Train
Head back to the camp and the Welcomer NPC who gave you the mission. If you aren't sure how to get there, right-click on your compass, select the Landmarks submenu, and choose the camp you started in - the arrow on your compass will point you directly to your camp. Or you can choose the Missions submenu, and select the Welcomer NPC from that listing. In the center of each camp you'll find a building where the trainers are located. Enter the door to activate the transporter - you'll need to choose your destination from the menu. This time, choose the Fight Trainer.
You'll appear in a small room with a single NPC inside, the Fighter Trainer. This NPC can teach you physical combat Actions, as well as increase your statistics, at the cost of some training points. Ask the NPC to train you by clicking on her once, and choosing the default action - the Learning window will appear. Your skill points are listed at the bottom left. For gaining a single Fight level, you should have 10 points, enough for a stat boost or a few low-level skills. The choice is up to you - you can view more information by right-clicking on the ability in the learning window.
Head back to the elevator to exit the building, and make sure you stop by the Welcomer to finish the mission. They'll give you some dapper, the currency of Atys, as a reward. You'll find merchants nearby where you can sell the items you picked up from the Yubo, and purchase new equipment.
At this point you should know enough about the game and interface to begin making your own way on Atys. You can always get more information by checking the ingame help menu (click the question mark at the bottom-right of your screen).
Good luck young homin and welcome to the The Saga of Ryzom!