How to gain experience
Experience and how it works.
Every time you use an action you can gain experience for your character.
For example, at the start of the game, after you have fought and defeated an enemy using weapons, you will receive the message: "you have gained experience points in the skill of combat". If you also use spells you will receive a similar message telling you that you have gained experience in the skill of magic.
Note that only successful actions earn you experience whereas failing does not earn any experience for your character.
In Ryzom, you gain experience skill by skill and not on an overall basis:
You can see how much experience you have gained in a skill by opening the actions window. Each skill has an experience progression bar. When the bar is full, your skill gains a point, then the bar is emptied and the process starts over again.

Note that you gain experience as long as you respect the following conditions:
• the enemy must be killed to gain experience in combat skills. Landing two or three blows of the sword and then running away is not sufficient to gain experience.
• the same applies to offensive spells – you have to kill the enemy to gain experience.
• the beneficial spells must be used in combat for you to derive any experience from them.
The quantity of experience gained from a successful action varies. The quantity of experience gained depends on the difficulty of the action for your character. In this way, fighting against an enemy stronger than you will win more experience. Conversely, fighting an enemy weaker than you will bring you less experience. The system messages and the comparison between the enemy's strength and yours (see the colour codes in the target window) give you and indication of the possible experience gain (max. 3000 experience points).