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by MoaVoa Creation Date : Friday,17 March , 2006


How many races are available?
There are four homin races available for play : Matis, Trykers, Zoraïs and Fyros.

Are there classes?

No, The Saga of Ryzom uses a skill-based system to allow players to flexibly customize their character as much as possible.

How many characters are allowed per server?
5 characters per account.

How customizable are the avatars?
Avatars in Ryzom are highly customizable. Players can tweak morphology (height, body build, eye size and shape, nose width and length, and mouth size and shape, as well as hair color, hair style, eye color, and tattoos). But the characters' role is also customizable and can be changed overtime. You don't need to make a new character if you want to change roles.

Do characters age?
Not yet.

Is it possible to play with characters on different servers?
Yes, it's possible to create characters on differents servers and play on them.

After I choose a server, is it possible to change?
Yes. You are permitted to change server for a period of 7 days after you have activated your account. To change server, click on "Edit your Account" on the official Ryzom site. Note: if you change server, your character will not be transferred to the new server.

Is it possible to play with the same character on different servers?

Can I change the name of my character?
No. Once your name has been chosen and validated when you create your character, you can no longer change it. Be careful, if your nickname don't fit to the names policy a game master will assign you a new one with your agreement.

Does the appearance of my character affect its characteristics?
No. Creating a character with big muscles for example does not give a strength advantage.

Can I change the appearance of my character?
Yes, go and see the Tattooer and Hairdresser NPCs in the towns. Once your character has been created however, it is impossible to change its size or build.

What are the titles used for?
The titles show other players the type of role you would like to lead in the game. For example, if you choose "Healer", other players will consider you as a player who can cure.

How can I earn new titles?
You earn a new title every time you unlock a new skill branch.

How do I change title?
In the "Identity" (P) window, choose the title of your choice.

Does the sex of my character affect its characteristics?
No, the sex of the character you choose does not have an influence on its characteristics.

Can my character swim?
Yes. Use the movement keys to move towards the water. Note: it is not possible to carry out any actions while you are in the water.

It is possible for my character to drown?

How do I switch between running and walking?
Press the "Delete" key or click on Walk/Run in the Actions menu.

What are life points?
Life points represent the amount of damage your character can withstand before falling into a coma and dying.

What is stamina?
Stamina represents the endurance of the character. When you no stamina left, your character can no longer carry out physical actions.

What is sap?
Sap is the magical energy needed to be able to cast spells.

What is concentration?
Concentration is the energy used by Foragers and Crafters to carry out specific actions.

Do my character's various energies (life points, sap, stamina and concentration) regenerate automatically?

How can I make my energies (life points, sap, stamina and concentration) regenerate more quickly?
The speed of regeneration of your energies depends on four characteristics: Metabolism for life points, Wisdom for sap, Balance for stamina and Will for concentration. The higher the level of these characteristics, the more quickly your energies will regenerate. Note that sitting down increases the rate of regeneration.

Does the race of my character affect its characteristics?

Does each race have specific abilities?
No, all the races have the same abilities for the moment.

Does each race have its own specific actions?
Yes. For magic, each homin race has its own spells. For example, the Fyros have a special fire spell. This also applies to auras. Crafting and foraging also propose specifics actions for each civilization, which are available at your trainers.

Does the race I choose restrict the development of my character?
No, it is possible to be accepted into another civilization and share part of their knowledge.

Can my character develop several skill branches?
Yes, your character may be multi-skilled or specialized as you desire.

What is the highest level?
The highest level per branch is 250.

How many skills can a character learn?
Every one on the tree of skills!

What are skill points used for?
Skill points are used to buy new actions (stanzas) or improvements from the trainers.

How can I earn experience?
To earn experience, you must complete a crafting or prospecting/foraging action or kill a creature with combat and/or magic actions. The more difficult the action and/or the killing of the creature, the more experience you earn.

How can I earn skill points?
You earn skill points based on the skill being used. So, to earn magic skill points for example, you need to cast spells.

How can I see my experience bar?
Open the "Actions" (B) window.

Does the choice of action packs at the time of creation of my character determine the direction of my character's development?
No, this choice is not irreversible. It is still possible to unlock other basic skill branches (Magic, Extraction and Craft) by going to see a trainer. The "Combat" branch is acquired automatically.

How can I unlock a new basic skill branch?
For the sum of 50 skill points, a trainer can allow you access to a new skill branch.

It is possible to unlearn a skill and recover the skill points?
No, skill points that have been spent cannot be recovered.

What is a stanza?
Every action is made of different elements that determine its characteristics and these elements are known as stanzas.

What is an improvement?
An improvement is a permanent enhancement of one of your characteristics.

How do I create my own actions?
In the action bar, select an empty slot and right-click to bring up the context menu. In the window that opens up you can then name and create your own personalized action.

How do I edit an action?
In the action bar, select the action you wish to edit, right-click and choose "Edit Action".

How can I see the actions and improvements that I am already aware of?
In the "Action" (B) window, the actions and improvements that you have gained already appear highlighted. Those actions and improvements you have no knowledge of as yet are grayed out.

Do I need to balance every personalized action?
Yes - however, adding extra credits to an action can raise its success rate.

What happens when I have no life points left?
Your character falls to the ground in a coma and if nobody heals you in the following five minutes, your character will die and respawn.

Do I lose experience when I die?
No, in Ryzom you don't lose experience or levels when you die. You do get hit with a death penalty nonetheless.

What is the death penalty?
When your character dies, he does not lose experience, but instead must earn a certain amount before resuming normal development - this is the death penalty. To view your death penalty, open the "Action" window (A) or view the "System Info" window.

How is the death penalty calculated?
The death penalty is calculated based on the highest level in a branch, regardless of whatever action you were engaged in before dying.

How can I clear my death penalty?
Earn enough experience points to balance the death penalty. It is reabsorbed automatically in a maximum of 3 real days (whether the player is connected or not).

What happens to my character when I lose my connection with the server?
Your character remains connected for a time and continues the action that it was doing (combat, foraging) and may be the target of attacks from aggressive creatures.

What is the currency in Ryzom?
The currency on Atys is the dapper.

My inventory is full - what do I do now?
It is possible for you to re-sell or destroy objects or prime materials or alternatively transfer them to your pack animal or mektoub.

Is it possible to buy a home?
Yes, in the towns the Homin Apartment Guardians sell apartments. Target one of these NPCs, right-click and select "trading buildings".

Is it possible to own several apartments?
Not at the moment.

Do I need to pay charges? Maintenance costs for my apartment?

Can I leave objects or prime materials in my apartment?
Yes, there is a safe in every player's apartment.

Is there an in-game map?
Yes, click on "M" to access it.

How do I know what season it is in the game?
Open the world map (M) and you will find the season displayed in the upper section.

How do I add landmarks?
Open the world map (M), then right-click on the exact spot on the map where you wish to place a landmark, give the point a name and confirm.

What is the difference between purple landmarks and green landmarks?
The purple landmarks are those that you have created and added. The green landmarks are automatically included to aid your movement and to indicate important locations. Note: you cannot rename, move or erase the green landmarks.

What is the radar used for?
The radar shows living creatures and mineral deposits: NPCs (in white), players (in blue), enemies (in orange), prime material sources (in green water), your team members (in purple), your target (in red) around the player.

How do I control the range of the radar?
Right-click on the radar and click on zoom in or out to achieve the desired zoom (25m, 50m, 125m, 250m) or use the scroll wheel on your mouse.

How do I find towns with the radar?
Right-click on the radar, select the Landmarks menu to display the list of towns. Note: only those towns located on the continent where you are currently situated are displayed.

How do I talk to a NPC?
Target the NPC and double left-click to start a conversation or alternatively open the context menu by right-clicking and view the list of phrases you can use.

I can't speak to a NPC - why is this?
You will not be able to speak to all of the NPCs in the game and others may also refuse to speak to you because of your reputation.

How can I tell the level and power of a creature?
When you target a creature, his name will appear in the top-right section of the target window. Both his name and life bar (in red) will be displayed. Its strength is indicated according to a color code. The power level is sorted in the following order: Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple. The number of stars also provides information on its strength.

If I erase an action from the action bar, do I lose this action for good?
No, all basic actions bought using skill points are acquired for good and appear in the action window (B). On the other hand, if you delete a personalized action, you must re-create this action.

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