Game Download, Installation and Account - Additional information
Find here the Bittorent file download, how to install the game, how to create a Free Trial account and upgrade it to a paying account, and what are the ports used by the game.
Note: the information below are outdated. We will update this page soon.
1. Alternative download: BitTorrent
In order to download the Ryzom client, you will need to install :
- Click here (BitTorrent-4.4.1.exe) to download the BitTorrent installer.
- Double-click on the BitTorrent-4.4.1.exe executable you just downloaded and follow the instructions to complete the BitTorrent installation.
Then, start downloading the Ryzom client, using BitTorrent:

Click here to download the game client (1.8 GB)
Once the download is finished, install the Ryzom client by double-clicking the ryzom-installer_060928.exe executable you've just downloaded, wait for the installer to start, and follow the instructions (described below in 3. Install the game).
- Please consider the fact that the client will not start downloading at full speed. Your download will speed-up in time: as this is a peer-to-peer protocol, the more data you get, the more you have to share, and the more others are willing to give you their's.
- This client is pre-patched. However there might be some small client side patch after installation.
- When possible, please leave your Bittorrent download window open once the download is finished, it will help the other players to get their copy faster.
2. Installation of the game
a) Where to install Ryzom?
After you have downloaded the client, choose a destination folder (where the game will be installed) by clicking on the button "Browse", then click once on the button "Install".

b) Decompressing
Once the destination folder is chosen, the game will be decompressed in this folder. A progression bar indicates the extracting progress of the files.

When the decompressing procedure is done, you can launch the installation of the game client by clicking on the file "setup.exe", then follow the instructions on your screen.
3. Create your account
You need an account to be able to play.
While your download is running, why not taking the time to create your Ryzom game account?
a) If you haven't installed the game yet
You can create a game account here. You will access to the registration page (image below).
You have three different choices (Free Trial, Special Offer, Regular Account):
- Free Trial Account: allows to create an account (which will be free with unlimited time on the starter island, Ruins of Silan).
- Regular Account: allows to create an account by paying a monthly subscription, which gives access to the whole game. At any time after the opening of a Free Trial account, you can upgrade this account to a paying account (monthly subscription) via your account.

b) If you have already installed the game
A link on the login screen of the game gives you access to the account creation page (described above).
4. Ports
Ryzom requires to have the following ports opened in your firewall configuration (only if you use one):
Feel free to go to our forums for any suggestion or question.
- UDP 47851 to 47860
- TCP 80
- TCP 443
- TCP 40916
- TCP 43434
- TCP 48851 to 48860
- TCP 50000
Feel free to go to our forums for any suggestion or question.