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Submit your own content on the website


The Ryzom website accepts all kind of contributions from you. If you feel you've created something useful for other players, you can submit it here to have it included on the official website, where eveyone will be able to find it. You will of course be credited for your creation (make sure your site preferences are up to date, as other players are likely to visit your personal page).

1. What can I create or upload?

Here are the different elements you can submit for inclusion on the website:

You can submit your own news, to be displayed on the front page and in the news section. It can be anything you want other players to be aware of: something you organize in-game, an update of your own website, information about content you have published on, etc.

A text page to be added to, which can contain rich text or HTML. You'll get a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to help you presenting your text.

An image, which can be referenced in documents or displayed in an album. It can be anything you wish: a screenshot, a picture, etc. You'll be able to use these images on your documents.

If what you want to submit doesn't belong to the other categories (like a PDF file or a ZIP archive), you can click here to upload it.

2. Request validation

Once you have created or uploaded your content on the website, it will have to be validated by a moderator before other can see it. To attract a moderator attention on your content, you have to change its status to 'pending' by submitting it :

3. Wait for publication!

Once you have completed the two previous steps, the moderators will review your submission, edit it if necessary, move it to the appropriate section of the website. If there is any issue, they will contact you directly by email (make sure your email is correctly set in the site preferences).

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