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Subscription options

by MoaVoa Creation Date : Monday,20 March , 2006
Subscription period \ Currency
US Dollar
1 month
$ 14.99 /month
12.90 € /month
£ 8.49 /month
3 months
$ 13.50 /month 11.90 € /month £ 7.63 /month
6 months $ 12.71 /month 9.90 € /month £ 7.21 /month

Note: the entire period will be billed in advance.

Supported payment methods

To register and subscribe to the Saga of Ryzom, you can use the following payment methods :

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Secure payment by credit card or debit card is ensured by use of a payment system provided by Bibit Global Payment Services (, a specialist provider of secure on-line payment transactions.

This system lets you get a subscription without having to make recurring debits from a bank card. It combines various methods of payment, by cash, check, PayPal, etc. You will have to renew your subscription each month to prevent your account from becoming frozen (blocking your access). Warning, transaction fees will be added to the payments if you choose this option.
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