How Can I Use RSS Feeds?
RSS feeds allow you to know in real time when new content or news bits are added to the website, or to display the latest news or changes on your website. To know how to use it, read on!
How does it works?
At various places on this website (like the news page), you may have noticed the icon. When you click on it, you download an XML file containing the titles and description of - for example - the latest news, in a standard format understandable by all kind of programs. You can for example ask your mailer (such as Thunderbird or Outlook) to download it regularly and warn you if there is a new item available. If you are a webmaster, you can also use a RSS feed to display the latest news from on your website...
How can I use this feature?
Here is a list of programs and scripts which can be used to take advantage of the RSS feeds, along with links to related HOWTOs and plugins.
Desktop software
- Mailers:
- Mozilla Thunderbird (HOWTO)
- Outlook (NewsGator plugin)
- Browsers:
- Utilities:
- Websites offering RSS syndication:
Webmaster scripts
- Python
- iAggregator
- itools
- CMFSin (for Zope/Plone)
Feel free to add comments to this page if you have other hints to give!
If there are other places where you would like to see it, say it here, and I'll add it. It only works for contents of a given directory, not recursively.
rss feed
well i'm having trouble getting your rdf link to work... also adding better descriptions would be nice ;) maybe first couple of sentences of each topic?
there are a couple of other free rss readers too. RSSOwl at and RSS Bandit...
(btw your firefox extension link is broken :))
Bug submitted
You can subscribe there to be informed of the evolution and be alert when it is fixed.
So i haven't found the rss link yet... is this a feature still being worked on? i think it'll be really cool. if i can find it... your rss button image could be alot bigger ;) its tiny!