New Player Experience (NPE)
We are currently working on improving the first experience a newcomer gets from the game. To summarize, the current "newbie land" system made of 4 separate islands, is completely changed and replaced by a unique island; and, the new players should also be able to find more help through new missions that will guide their first steps on Atys regarding the gameplay and the lore basics.
Let's have a closer look on what changes we plan to apply on the NPE.
1. The island
We'd like to have one unique island for all races instead of four separate lands. The island would be larger than the current islands, and made of several ecosystems (forest, lake and jungle).
All the new players should spawn at the same place, in a camp and from here they could explore their surroundings and work towards reaching the mainland.
Note: once on the mainland you will not be able to go back on this island.
The island would be composed of several areas with different mobs and themes, each one corresponding to a different level. These areas are not regions but simple locations.
For example, the zone designed for levels 11-15 would be a town devastated by the Kitins during the great swarming; the zone designed for levels 16-20 would be the first experience with the Goo, complete with sick mobs; the highest zone (40+) would be populated by Kitins.
This new newbie island would also present a varied fauna with herbivores, predators, Kitins, mini-bosses and Bandits. The goal is to give an overview of the PvE interactions the game can offer.
A new player would own the four basic skills from the start, and wouldn't need to buy what he's lacking at the trainer anymore (using skill points). As a result, the "packs" window you get when creating a new character should change to allow you to specialise in one of the four skills, and so obtain more stanzas in one of them (as if you were choosing the same pack twice in the current system).
Near the main camp where new players would appear, there are small race and faction camps with merchants, skill specific missions and faction specific information.
As a result, they would be completely new and more of the “quest” type: the new player would have to finish a mission to have access to others. Through achieving the missions from a given camp, he would cross the whole land and learn more about the habits of each race (Fyros having a warrior culture, Zoraïs being more leaned towards magic, etc.).
At first, we plan on making the new player appear in a camp, run by the Rangers. The purpose of this place is to be a safe “core” around which the other small camps are arranged. Chiang, the chief of the camp, would give a brief introduction to this area, including the other homins here, what they teach, and where regions make up the zone.
The island would be composed of several areas with different mobs and themes, each one corresponding to a different level. These areas are not regions but simple locations.
For example, the zone designed for levels 11-15 would be a town devastated by the Kitins during the great swarming; the zone designed for levels 16-20 would be the first experience with the Goo, complete with sick mobs; the highest zone (40+) would be populated by Kitins.
This new newbie island would also present a varied fauna with herbivores, predators, Kitins, mini-bosses and Bandits. The goal is to give an overview of the PvE interactions the game can offer.
2. Skills
A new player would own the four basic skills from the start, and wouldn't need to buy what he's lacking at the trainer anymore (using skill points). As a result, the "packs" window you get when creating a new character should change to allow you to specialise in one of the four skills, and so obtain more stanzas in one of them (as if you were choosing the same pack twice in the current system).Near the main camp where new players would appear, there are small race and faction camps with merchants, skill specific missions and faction specific information.
3. Missions
We want to change the missions given by NPCs. The goal is to provide helpful missions with more explanations, which effectively guide the new player regarding skills (what to use with what skill, customising actions), training, and the basics of Atys life and background (mobs’ behaviour, Kitins, Bandits, Goo...).As a result, they would be completely new and more of the “quest” type: the new player would have to finish a mission to have access to others. Through achieving the missions from a given camp, he would cross the whole land and learn more about the habits of each race (Fyros having a warrior culture, Zoraïs being more leaned towards magic, etc.).
At first, we plan on making the new player appear in a camp, run by the Rangers. The purpose of this place is to be a safe “core” around which the other small camps are arranged. Chiang, the chief of the camp, would give a brief introduction to this area, including the other homins here, what they teach, and where regions make up the zone.
He would also direct the newcomer to the other camps, and give a few missions once all the race missions have been achieved.
We want to build each racial camp on the same scheme, with a trainer specialised in the appropriate abilities, some merchants and a mission giver. Each one should propose about eight missions.
So, the Fyros camp would focus on combat, with a fighter trainer, merchants selling weapons, and combat missions. The Matis camp would have a crafter trainer, merchants selling armour, and craft missions; and so on.
The faction camps should function a bit differently. They should give a few missions only when all the missions of certain races have been done, grant fame and provide some information about the factions on Atys.
Among the missions’ rewards, there should be experience, dappers, and equipment such as weapons, armour and jewels. Those should be reward items specifically designed for the NPE with stats you can't obtain when crafting, and would have a name. For instance, an amp given by the Zoraï mission giver could be called “frost touch”.
Note: the look should be the same as the usual crafted items.
We want to build each racial camp on the same scheme, with a trainer specialised in the appropriate abilities, some merchants and a mission giver. Each one should propose about eight missions.
So, the Fyros camp would focus on combat, with a fighter trainer, merchants selling weapons, and combat missions. The Matis camp would have a crafter trainer, merchants selling armour, and craft missions; and so on.
The faction camps should function a bit differently. They should give a few missions only when all the missions of certain races have been done, grant fame and provide some information about the factions on Atys.
Among the missions’ rewards, there should be experience, dappers, and equipment such as weapons, armour and jewels. Those should be reward items specifically designed for the NPE with stats you can't obtain when crafting, and would have a name. For instance, an amp given by the Zoraï mission giver could be called “frost touch”.
Note: the look should be the same as the usual crafted items.
4. Chat
Along with this new NPE, we want to introduce a new chat: “Universe”. It should include every region of the mainland and the newbie island. You could have access to it from both the island and the mainland. The main purpose of this channel is to allow veterans to help new players more easily.
Old Characters
Posted by
Wednesday,14 June , 2006 at 17:08 UTC
Did we ever get confirmation of what will happen to our alts on the old starter islands?
Would be nice if we coud have them move to the new one. Or is that asking too much?
Old characters
Posted by
Wednesday,14 June , 2006 at 17:08 UTC
The old characters will stay on the old starter islands. Even without mentionning the technical issues here, we don't want to confuse new players; if they started a character last week-end, being on a new island this week would be weird. If you really want to try the Ruins of Silan, the best is to reroll.
Is Goo being reintroduced? Forgive me if I've missed something, but I've never come accross any, and have been told "there is no Goo" by several homins.