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Crafting success and failure rates

by Marjo Creation Date : Thursday,03 May , 2007

We are modifying the success and failure rates in order to have a more reliable and more logical system. This will also allow us to fix an issue related to crafting partial success rates.

Here are the changes we are working on. Please give us your feedback here.

1. Partial success rate

We will increase the minimum quality of a degraded item you obtain when you partially succeed a crafting action. At the moment the minimum quality is roughly 66% lower than the expected quality.

We will change this so that the quality of the worst degraded item you can get is 20% lower than the expected quality.

2. Failure rate

The goal is to give more meaning to failure. You will get much less failures than currently, however when you get one, you have 50% chances to lose each of the raw materials used to craft the failed item (the rate is applied individually to each mat).

• If you craft an item of the same quality as your level, or of lower quality

0% chances to miss.
This is for you to be able to have a control over getting a miss; you will take a risk only if you try to craft higher qualities than your level.

• If you craft an item of a quality higher than your level

The failure rate is around 1% if you craft something up to 5 levels higher your crafting level.
It is 2% if you craft an item 10 levels higher than your level.
It goes up to 10% if the quality is 50 levels or more above your crafting level.
To compare, at the moment chances to miss can go up to 55%.

With the change of the failure concept and the change of rates, you will use a little less raw mats per level. As there will also be less failures overall, you will progress a little faster in your crafting skills.

3. Success rate

As the chances to fail will become much smaller, the success rate will be higher than now. When you craft an item 50 levels or more higher than your level, the rate remains the same, 5%.

Here's a table comparing the old rates and the new ones. The new values aren't definitive yet; they are being tested at the moment.

 Rates (%)\ Level
Item of same level as you
Item of 10 levels higher Item of 50 levels higher and more
  Old New Old New Old New
Success 80 85 60 69 5 5
Partial Success 10 15 20 29 40 85
Failure 10 0 20 2 55 10

4. An example under the new system

You are a light armorer, level 187 in light pants and level 110 in light vest.

• You craft pants

q190: obtained items would vary between q152 and q190; less than 1% chances to fail.
q180: chances to partially succeed are lower than for q190; obtained items would vary between q144 and q180; no failure possible.
q110: very high chances to succeed; very few chances to partially succeed; items would vary between q88 and q110; no failure.

• You craft vests

q190: very few chances to succeed; obtained items would vary between q152 and q190; 10% chances to fail.
q150: few chances to succeed; obtained items would vary between q120 and q150; 8% chances to fail.
q110: obtained items would vary between q88 and q110; no failure.

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