Answers To Questions From The Boards - 2005-12-16 - Fame Edition
After seeing so many questions about the Fame System second edition, I decided to make a special edition of the Q&A, as Xavier did for the outposts before.
After having prospected a certain time into various Excellent Fame Questions sources (there are enough spots on the boards to be able to dig at any time/weather/season), I could harvest about 60 q200 Questions (several questions were the same but from different lands) and then successfully crafted 12 Main Concerns (and gained a few levels in Q&A crafting). These main subjects are:
- Fame cap
- The undetermined status
- Advantages of citizenship, neutrality, religion
- Guild halls and apartments
- Neutrality and guilds
- Neutrality and PvP
- Kill on sight
- Fame (general questions)
- Rites
- Teleporting and resurrecting
- Knowing allegiance
- New fames between civilizations
[ I. Fame Cap ]
1. I really like to know how the current fame ratings will translate in the second edition of the fame system.When the new fame system will be patched, your status will be “undetermined” and only your current personal fame will be kept. While being “undetermined”, you are considered as “neutral” (cf. “II. Undetermined” below).
What happens if I am a Tryker with 100 personal fame for Tryker and Zorai Civilisations and I choose to become a Tryker Citizen, will I then have 100% personal Fame with Tryker and 0% with Zorai? Or if I stay neutral will they both be capped to 50%? [Submitted by thlau (EN)]
To the second part of the question: yes, exactly.
2. What will happen to players who have positive fame with both kami and karavan after the patch? Assuming they also choose neutral that is. [Submitted by lathan (EN)]They will keep both their Kami and Karavan fames positive, as long as they stay “neutral”.
When they choose one faction, the fame with the other one will automatically decrease to -50.
3. Let's say I currently have 80 personal fame with the Fyros. If I were to become a Matis Citizen, would my Civilisation fame with the Fyros drop to -100 preserving my personal fame (so that I have -20 global fame with them and that I can attain at maximum 0 global fame with them), or would my 80 personal fame simply vanish? [Submitted by sidusar (EN)]There will be no more global fame. The value that will be kept is the personal fame.
If you become a Matis citizen, your Fyros civilization fame will drop to 0. So, yes, your current 80 personal fame with the Fyros will definitively vanish.
4. If I earn more fame points in personal or guild fame [above the caps], these points are lost.As well as the points I loose when I switch allegiance from citizen to neutral, or the other way round. [Submitted by thlau (EN)]
Yes, you understood it well.
[ II. “Undetermined” status ]
1. Newly created characters will be considered as having the state of neutrality or unspecified. They need 30% fame to be able to take a citizenship rite. However because of the neutrality/unspecified state they can't gain or loose fame?New characters will be considered as neutral. When you are neutral you can gain (max. +50%) and lose fame.
Tell me I read something wrong here. Is unspecified only for guilds and does that mean neutral as in stateless means you can still work on fame? [Submitted by calel (EN)]
You will get the “undetermined” status when the fame system 2nd edition will firstly be patched. Then, every time your guild alignment will change, your status will automatically switch to “undetermined”. While having this status, you cannot gain or lose fame anymore, until you decide to have an alignment. If you choose the same as the guild one, you could stay in the guild. If you don’t, you would have to leave the guild.
2. How long will last the unspecified status? How do we choose? A window and bam! I choose neutral? [Submitted by neiher (FR)]There is no time limit to the “undetermined” status. When you have this status, your fame values are temporarily capped like the ones of a neutral. So, regarding PvP and merchants, you are considered as being neutral. However, you can’t work on your fame – your current values are frozen and eventually capped; you can’t change guild either; and you can’t buy new TP tickets.
To give an example, if you have 62 in Matis fame, and you are switched to “undetermined”, the value will be shown as 50. But as soon as you choose Matis citizenship and do the rite, the 62 value will reappear.
When you are “undertermined”, if you want to be neutral, you won’t need to do any rite, but just clicking a button in your fame window. But, this button is usable only when you’re in this particular status; if you already have an allegiance, you will have to talk to a NPC.
3. When you’re going out of the "unspecified" status and you choose a citizenship, which is different from your guild one, will you be automatically expelled from the guild as soon as you choose that citizenship? [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]
You can’t choose a citizenship different from the guild one. You have to leave the guild before. The consequence is the same in the end: you aren’t part of the guild anymore; but you are not expelled as you would leave by yourself or even remain “undetermined”.
[ III. Advantages of citizenship, neutrality, religion ]
1. Gameplay speaking, what would be the advantage of citizenship? I noticed titles and the possibility to raise fame above 50%. Is that all? [Submitted by bourdu (FR)]
Citizenship would also allow accessing to rites that require a fame level above 50% and/or a citizenship.
Also, regarding trades with merchants, the prices will still depend on your fame, as it is now: the higher your fame is with NPC merchant X’s civilization, the cheaper are X’s items, and at a higher price X will buy your items.
So, if you are a citizen, you can benefit from more interesting prices than a neutral will ever be able to get, for a given nation (since he is capped at 50% and you can go up to 100%).
There should also be other advantages in the future.
2. Will there be advantages for neutrals too (race neutrals and faction neutrals)? [Submitted by rajnika (FR)]Nation neutrals: a neutral won’t have a bad fame with some tribes contrary to a citizen, whose fame will drop with the tribes who are enemies with citizen’s nation.
Religion neutrals: a neutral will have access to a few teleport tickets from both factions, contrary to a faction aligned homin who will have access to teleports from his faction only.
3. What will be the advantages of (…), same question for factions. [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]
A pro-Karavan will have access to all the Karavan teleport tickets, and a pro-Kami will have access to the Kami ones. They can also benefit from faction rewards.
A religion Neutral won’t have access to all the Kami and Karavan teleport tickets.
Note: when I say “all”, I mean the tickets from the currently active altars and also those that aren’t active yet. They will become accessible to balance Kami and Karavan teleport tickets availability on Atys.
[ IV. Guild halls and apartments ]
1. It says that to be nation aligned your guild hall must be in that nation's capital. Does that mean we can have guild halls in different places other than the capitals? [Submitted by philu (EN)]No; you can have a guild hall in capitals only.
We changed a rule here: your guild hall can be located in any capital, whatever its nationality is.
2. Is this opening the door for multiple guild halls in multiple lands for the neutrals? Or everyone? [Submitted by marct (EN)]No; a guild can get one guild hall only. A homin can also own one apartment only. Both in any capital.
3. What happens to your apartment if you have -50 fame with the civ where your apartment is? Sure, you can't go there anymore - but then I should be able to transfer my apartment to a more... hospitable environment. [Submitted by akicks (EN)]
You would surely be in trouble to access your apartment with such a fame. You will be able to transfer your apartment after the patch. So, before reaching -50, it could be wise to transfer it.
To “transfer” an apartment, you will have to store its content out of it, and buy a new apartment in another capital. Then the old one will be automatically deleted (there’s a warning window popping when you buy a new apartment, telling the old one will be destroyed).
Now you can move the stored content into the new apartment. You may need help from friends during the transfer process. ;)
4. What about the existing guild halls? Until now it was not possible to give them up, or to create new ones somewhere. Will that be possible with the implementation of Episode III? [Submitted by graysoon (DE)](Note: the new fame system is coming with Chapter III, not Episode III. For more details, see the roadmap).
Yes, changing your guild hall location will be possible. When you buy a new guild hall, the old one will be automatically destroyed, with all the items it contains, except the dappers, which are automatically transferred.
So, when you decide to change hall location, you have to empty it before buying a new one, if you want to keep its content.
5. What will happen to a guild hall (and its content) when a guild decide to change nationality? [Submitted by michielb (EN)]Firstly, we had in mind to bound hall location to nationality. But we changed this rule. Now, you can have your guild hall in any capital, regardless guild nationality.
So, the answer to this question is: nothing will happen.
6. If we choose a faction, which is not the “official” faction of the nation, could we still be citizen of this nation? Could we buy (being citizen or nation neutral) an apartment in this country? [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]Citizenship and religion are not related, so yes, you can follow a faction, and be citizen of any nation. You can also still buy your apartment in the capital you want.
The same goes for guilds: a pro Karavan guild can have any nationality (even Zoraï), and the guild hall can be located in any capital.
Note: as apartment and guild hall locations aren’t bounded to nationality anymore, you can still live in the country you want even with a citizenship, and have a guild hall in any capital. But, remember that if your personal fame with the nation is -50 or lower, you may have troubles accessing them, since civil guards would kill you on sight. ;)
7. What kind of possibilities would I have as Matis with a guild hall and apartment inside of Pyr, in case I decide for a Matis citizenship? [Submitted by alexs21 (DE)]
Even with your Matis citizenship, and the Matis guild nationality, apartment and guild hall can be located in Pyr.
Be careful with the kill on sight rule, though.
[ V. Neutrality and guilds ]
1. In case Nevrax do decide to go ahead with only allowing neutral characters to join neutral guilds can you please explain what harm you think this would actually do to the game to allow all characters to join neutral guilds.The gameplay reason is quite simple: it will avoid having enemies in the same guild. If several players are “pro-” PvP but from different sides, they will become enemies. Your allegiance comes first; being part of the same guild doesn’t nullify it.
Surely it is better that if you want players to align their guilds then you do so by giving them incentives, reasons why it is a good idea, rather than just forcing them into boxes of your making. [Submitted by gwythion (EN)]
From a roleplay standpoint: gathering people from different sides would surely raise some tensions inside the guild. Please imagine: having both Kami and Karavan people together would make the guild pretty unstable from a religious/politics standpoint. Also, in any case, the Kamis and the Karavan do not accept guilds welcoming their enemies.
Neutrals don’t necessarily harm aligned people. They can be seen as “potential” followers, who have yet to be convinced. So, the guild could accept them to try to convert them later. ;)
2. And, although I believe in repentance, the ability to switch from pro-faction to neutral immediately strikes me as wrong. Maybe I am misreading something, and the penitent will have to work his sins away ? [Submitted by mrshad (EN)]
You will have to talk to a NPC to become neutral, but there isn’t any special rite, you simply state it. When you decide to be neutral, you have nothing to prove to anyone.
In the other hand, Kami or Karavan converts are controlled by organizations, in order to ensure they really have faith. Here you have to prove they can trust you; that’s why they ask you to accomplish a conversion ritual.
[ VI. Neutrality and PvP ]
1. If there's going to be a PvP flag anyway, why make neutrals unable to initiate combat? Isn't that a little redundant? If they don't want to fight, they'll have the no PvP setting on, if they DO they should be an unpredictable element, able to engage - or heal - either side at will. Wouldn't this be better for gameplay and more interesting within the zone? (as well as making mercenary type actions viable). [Submitted by grimjim (EN)]We changed the rule here: faction neutrals won’t be able to participate in faction PvP at all. They would stand as if their PvP tag was off.
We are currently thinking about how faction neutrals could be able to participate in PvP. We want to allow PvP fights to them too, but have yet to check different ways and their consequences.
Basically, with the current Fame System 2nd edition that will be patched, neutrals aren’t allowed to participate in PvP – at least for now.
2. The neutrality towards races and faction, either from a sole character's perspective and the guild's, won't allow you to benefit from spires, better trades, citizenship rewards, etc etc..., but this does not mean you have to be non-PvP flagged, or does it? [Submitted by calel (EN)]If you are faction neutral, you can’t participate to faction PvP. You can’t activate your faction PvP tag, simply because you are not following one of the two factions.
Trades don’t depend on your allegiance; they only depend on your fame values. When you are nation neutral, the best prices you will ever have are those proposed once you reached a +50% civilization fame cap.
3. And does this mean that those homins can travel freely with the use of ALL teleportation altars as they don't belong to a faction? [Submitted by calel (EN)]Not really, neutral homins towards factions will not have access to all the teleport tickets, but only to a few of them.
4. Can a neutral guild (civ&religion) take and hold spires? [Submitted by michielb (EN)]A neutral guild shouldn’t, since Spires are linked to factions. But here maybe, the answer could change in the future (cf. question 1. above).
5. Can a neutral guild (civ&religion) take and hold outposts? [Submitted by michielb (EN)]Yes, a neutral guild can take and hold Outposts, as they aren’t related to fame. The Outposts PvP is not the same one as the faction PvP.
6. I want to be Fyros race, Kami cult but PvP neutral. I don't like PvP. So how do I play that within this system? Do I just choose Fyros citizenship, Kami cult, stay away from PvP areas and set my PvP flag off when it goes global? [Submitted by philu (EN)]
You got it right. ?
Note that if you’re in a guild, your guild must be both Fyros and Kami to allow you having these allegiances.
[ VII. Kill on Sight ]
1. So any karavan guard will kill a kamist on sight? How will a Fyros be able to enter Fairhaven then? [Submitted by kaetemi (EN)]The Karavan guards will kill Kamists, yes. However, they will stand outside town. So, a Fyros Kami should still be able to enter a Karavan allied town such as Fairhaven, as long as his fame is not -50 with Trykers, or there is no open conflict between Fyros and Trykers.
Indeed, the guards inside towns – guards of citizenship – who protect merchants, barmen, trainers, etc., will check your fame when you are around them, to know if you are ally or enemy. Below -50 with their citizenship, you are enemy and will be killed.
A Fyros, whose fame is -50 with Tryker people, should thus not be able to enter any Tryker town. At -49 he would be safe, though.
Note: you get DP when you are killed by a guard.
2. If guards can attack PC, could PC attack guards? [Submitted by wildman (FR)]This is possible, yes. ;)
PC can attack enemy guards, but not allies.
3. Will guards defend homins against other PC attacks? (Same question for faction NPC). [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]Not exactly: guards will attack regarding character’s fame only. Faction guards will kill anyone with a faction fame of -50 or lower; civil guards will kill anyone whose (guards’) civilization fame value is -50 or lower.
4. Small question, if the guards in cities are kill on sight to a player is that going to mean no more visits to the trainers, or will there be 'ways' to continue to train... would be great to have black market trainers maybe who wander around Atys helping out for a price ;=) [Submitted by rushin (EN)]
One of the goals of civil guards is to prevent enemies from accessing cities market. As long as you don’t have -50 though, you could continue to train without being killed (unless a war involving your nation is occurring: in that case, if you belong to the enemy nation, you would be killed).
[ VIII. Fame general questions ]
1. Presently, getting fame with tribes causes the tribe to show up in your entire guild's fame list. Will this be the in case in the future, with guild tribal fame nullified? [Submitted by riveit (EN)]This won’t be the case, as guild fame with tribes won’t exist anymore.
2. As guild fame won’t influence character’s fame anymore, what would be guild fame role? [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]Guild fame will limit who can enter the guild to people having the same allegiance or neutral, and its members’ choices (if they want to have an allegiance different from the guild one, they must leave).
It could also have other roles in the future.
3. Will this vary by civilisation and possibly change as lore progresses? (Maybe the Matis would not allow a Kami associated guild to have GH in a Matis city, although Tryker would allow such?) [Submitted by marct (EN)]Fame caps and starting values could vary in the future, depending on how will evolve the different nations. Time will tell. ;)
4. As fame will be related to PvP, are direct links between PvP and fame planned/conceivable in a more or less far future, with fame changing according to the fame of a character we killed? Same question for NPC. [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]Maybe; it’s conceivable. Nothing is planned about this though at the moment.
5. What are the consequences of the "faction neutrality", besides FvF, regarding NPCs? [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]
Partially the same as it is now: missions require different fames, so a NPC could not give you certain missions if your fame is too low. But also, Karavan or Kami NPC could refuse to deal with you if you have no allegiance with one of them.
[ IX. Rites ]
1. At the moment we have 12 rites + the amber cube rite. Each nation provides 3 of them, once the required global fame rating from 34 to 38 with that nation is reached (If I remember correctly).You shouldn’t be able to do all the rites; that’s one of the goals of this new fame system. These changes are a necessary step before going further and adding other features.
If these requirements don’t change you will be able to accomplish all rites only if you stay neutral. If you choose citizenship instead, you will only be able to accomplish 6 rites, that of your own nationality, and that of the allied nation. The rewards for the current rites are hardly balanced.
So will there be new rites that will compensate for this reduced amount of 'epic' missions, or do we have to wait for them until the end of the next year. [Submitted by thlau (EN)]
2. Will the acquired rites be lost if our fame isn’t the same as the one required to do these rites anymore? [Submitted by athina (FR)]
No; you will keep all the rites you achieved. :)
3. Will there be a more sensible system to gain/lose fame in the future? Instead of the current way of doing the same handful of stupid missions again and again for a minimal change of fame? [Submitted by manya (EN)]No, changes are not planned on this point at the moment. Tuning these elements would require lots of work from the devs, who are already busy with other features.
4. Will it be easier to decrease fame? I think fame distribution should be more strict to people who act. My Matis fame should be much lower than it is regarding to my acts, I regret it is not the case. [Submitted by faro1 (FR)]No; the way fame points are distributed will remain the same.
5. Hem... We have to do a rite to get citizenship. If the fame decreases below 0%, we loose citizenship. How to get it again if we can’t accomplish the rite anymore, as we already did it before? [Submitted by lilfei (FR)]
Rites to get alignment aren’t exactly the same as the usual rites. They grant you a status; if you lose it, you can still get it back through the corresponding rite.
[ X. Teleporting/Resurrecting ]
1. Will kamists still be able to buy Karavan TPs?Homins following a faction cannot buy TP tickets from the opposite faction; the answer is “no” to the first two questions.
Will karavaneers still be able to buy Kami TPs?
Will neutrals, pledging no allegiance to Kamis or Karavan, be able to buy TPs from both factions? [Submitted by hachetes (FR)]
There are additional requisites: for Prime Roots altars, converts must have a fame of 60 or more to be able to get a ticket; for “purple” regions (level 250), converts must have a fame of 33.
Neutrals will be able to buy a few TP tickets per continent, from both factions, but not all of them. They will have access to some TPs from regions below 200 including the Nexus, but won’t have access to the “purple” regions (Grove of Confusion, Void, Lagoons of Loria, Scorched Corridor), and won’t have access to the Prime Roots.
Note: once the new fame system is patched, you will still be able to use the TP tickets you owned before.
2. Will neutrals get resurrection (since it’s a gift from Kamis/Karavan to homins who follow them)? [Submitted by hachetes (FR)]Neutral homins could still resurrect. They will keep the same respawn points as now. Their higher faction fame will determine which respawn (the kami or karavan one) will be activated in/near cities.
Death pacts (Kiss of Jena and Breath of Ma-duk) will still be available for everyone at the altars.
3. It’d be good to have a kami and karavan TP everywhere… Certain areas have currently none (like Gate of Obscurity, which is a forage area for the Prime Roots new foragers, with a karavan TP only... So levelling here when you are kami… That would be tough :s) [Submitted by squall82 (FR)]
All the teleports on Atys will be activated, to balance both factions. :)
In Gate of Obscurity, Kami followers will have access to the Kami teleport, and Karavan followers will have access to the Karavan one. However, neutrals won’t have access to any of them.
[ XI. How to know allegiance ]
1. Will we be able to see the information on cult/nation for other players and other guilds?The most reliable way to know if a homin is an ally or an enemy is by looking at your radar (you can also check the faction symbol above homins’ head, or their name color too).
Say, for example, someone wanted to play a Fyros who was a staunch Kami supporter. As part of that, this player didn't want to associate with the 'enemy' - i.e. anyone supporting the Karavan. How would they know if someone they were teamed with is a Karavan supporter? [Submitted by philu (EN)]
But, depending on your PvP tag, characters from the opposite faction will be displayed differently.
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If your PvP tag is disabled (small green icon on the right), you will see everyone in BLUE, the same blue as currently in game when you see someone. |
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If your PvP tag is activated (meaning you are pro Kami or Karavan, as Neutrals can’t activate it), you will see: |
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- in RED: your enemies (it’s working the same way as during Episode 2). - in bright GREEN, and other greenish tones: your allies. - in grey-BLUE: neutral people. |
2. How will be displayed citizenship on the radar? Will the current system remain (red/blue dot: enemy/ally, hit/can’t hit)? [Submitted by billie21 (FR)]
Citizenship won’t have its own color code. If no civilization war is occurring, citizenship is “ignored” by the radar. If there’s a war:
- Your PvP tag is off: you will see everyone in blue;
- It’s on: the colors code from above will apply regarding allies, enemies and neutral citizens.
[ XII. New fames between civilizations ]
1. One thing that intrigues me... When did the Zoraï and Tryker become anti one another? I would have thought that the Zoraï people would be more anti the Matis than the Tryker. (Stated starting fame -20% Tryker, -10 % Matis) [Submitted by bendrunk (EN)]
Moreover, Zoraï people still disdain Trykers, mainly because of their shallow way of life which is opposite to their own precepts.
In the other hand, Zoraïs do esteem the Matis people and are fascinated by their knowledge. They don’t have the same religion, which is why they are opposed, but they still both maintain respect to each other.
Relationships between civilizations are not exclusively related to the Kamis and the Karavan, and also depend on peoples’ behavior and history. However, these two factions do influence their relationships. Indeed, the Karavan influence explains the closer relationship between the Matis and the Trykers. The Kamis are one of the causes of Zoraïs being closer to Fyros; although having no fire caused by the Fyros since a long time could also explain this.