Wednesday,08 August , 2007 at 18:30 UTC
This small patch will include the fix for the Outpost Squads, which will allow you to select Squads of your choice again as well as their location, and it will also include a temporary change of the loot messages location you get when teamed.
These messages will be floating messages at the bottom of your screen and won't be displayed in your System Info window anymore. This will prevent you from being "flooded" but still preserve a way to see the information, while we prepare a system of filters to allow you to display only what you want, as explained here.
Friday,20 July , 2007 at 14:20 UTC
This patch contains what you've helped us to test on the ATS these last weeks. The main things:
- Your Stamina consumption will depend on weapon's weight.
- Fame and female titles will be added and some existing ones will be modified.
- In Tagged PvP, you won't be kicked out of your team anymore.
- The Outposts ban option will let you ban from one side only. Attacker will only ban from the attacker side, defender will only ban from the defender side. Of course a player/guild could be banned by both the attacker and the defender.
- You'll notice some ergonomic improvements, find the list here.
- Your sap crystals will stack.
- The target option in compass will behave better. The default zoom will be set at 50m and not 25m.
- The very first steps on the Ruins of Silan will be a little easier, thanks to Chiang and other key Rangers explaining better where things are.
- The list of your missions will be reversed in your journal.
We want to thank you for all your feedback from ATS, which tremendously helped us for this patch and also for the melee and range weapon patches to come. :)
[UPDATE - July 25, 4pm GMT] We're closing the live servers to retro-patch the game to patch 619, as explained here.
[UPDATE - August 6, 3pm GMT] The game servers will be closed for patching tomorrow, Tuesday 7th, from 7.30am GMT until approximately 9am GMT. This is to apply the features from patch 633 (listed above) with the addition of some fixes for the server instability problems.
Friday,27 April , 2007 at 15:20 UTC
We will move Cho characters to Arispotle in the same time and apply the rules described here. This specific Cho operation may take a bit longer than 4 hours. When we'll reopen Arispotle, even if you will be able to log on this server, you may not be able to play with your ex-Cho character(s) yet.
Wednesday,14 March , 2007 at 16:00 UTC
The changes are as follows:
- When you launch Ryzom, a second application opens to manage the patching process.
- The patching process is divided into 2 parts:
- The basic files required for Ryzom are patched in much the same way as they were in the past.
- The terrain related files are patched while the game is running.
- When the terrain data is being patched there is now a patch progress bar in the character selection screen. This bar must reach the end before you can play in mainland or in the Ring. You can play in the Ruins of Silan without waiting for the patching to finish.
- A new window can be opened while the game is running to manage the background patcher. This window is only of interest for players playing in the Ruins of Silan while patching the terrain files.
Other changes that come along with this patch:
- New and clearer login screen.
- Removal of the 'Nevrax' window.
- You will have the ability to create an account directly in the client without going on the website.
- You will only be prompted to accept the EULA after a patch and not each time you enter your login.
- A new icon will appear in game in the windows pad > system to monitor the optional patching state:

Monday,05 February , 2007 at 10:58 UTC
It's a small but important patch: it will correct the known stuck positions and save the 2 stars boss mobs respawn time. They won't repop after a reboot anymore.
Friday,19 January , 2007 at 16:00 UTC
- Back to the future on Arispotle, the right time will be reinstated and your guild age should be displayed correctly again.
- When leaving the Ruins of Silan (starter island) you will be able to choose in which capital city to appear.
Wednesday,10 January , 2007 at 18:24 UTC
- The four NPC bosses will be fine tuned.
- The bug that prevented you from writing in your faction channel if you previously performed an emote will be corrected.
- You won't be able to read emotes of the players who are on your ignore list anymore.
- When you were in the AFK state and then spoke in a tell window, the idle animations of your character were not taking into consideration what he had in his hands anymore. After the patch, your character will use the right animations again.
Wednesday,03 January , 2007 at 11:08 UTC
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Wednesday,20 December , 2006 at 19:04 UTC
- Welcome back to the NPC Bosses!
- The 1 Hand weapons should hit at their wished speed.
- The Guild window will display the online status of the guild members.
- Guild Leader and High Officers will be able to set a guild MOTD with the command /guildmotd "bla blah".
- The Contact list should display properly the online status of your friends.
- You will be able to receive tells when you are in the AFK state, to be AFK in water and while sitting.
- Bloom effect: find more information here. It will be deactivated by default. Make sure you have the latest graphic drivers of your video card installed.
nVidia cards drivers:
ATI cards drivers:
- Fancy changing your usual look? The hairdressers worked hard to propose you new stylish haircuts.
- You will be able to customise your emotes, as explained here.
- The Factions channels will always be available to faction aligned homins. You won't have to be PvP tagged anymore to have access to them. Their name will also be simplified to "Kami" and "Karavan" for convenient purpose.
- Consumables could be consumed again right after a death without having to wait until the end of the timer. Moreover, the consumables effects won't vanish anymore when logging off.
- Ring: the objects and NPCs' number limitation are increased. In your Ring Scenario, you should be able to place 300 objects (components and bot objects) and 200 NPCs.
- Ring Editor: you will be able to draw an array of walls. Simply tick the "Draw Array" option in the "Palette" and trace a line of objects.
Have fun!
Thursday,16 November , 2006 at 15:56 UTC
Friday,27 October , 2006 at 23:30 UTC
Thursday,19 October , 2006 at 09:20 UTC
- The missing titles for the autolauncher skill should be available.
- A Ring terminal will be added on Ruins of Silan. It will display scenarios from all the shards (as on the mainland).
- If you are on a Free Trial, for now you won't be able to see scenarios. You won't be able to launch your own scenarios either.
- If you have a paying account, with a character on RoS you will be able to see and enter scenarios that other subscribers have launched on the RoS terminal with a character of RoS as well.
- If you are on a Free Trial, for now you won't be able to see scenarios. You won't be able to launch your own scenarios either.
- The Free Trial will be changed regarding the experience you can get. If you don't have a paying account, then you won't get any XP after the level 21 (for any skill tree). As a result, there are several stanzas that you won't be able to learn.
If you've subscribed then you don't have any limitation anymore, as it is now.
This rule will also apply on Free Trials created before the patch.
- You should be able to trade with other characters in a Ring scenario again. Basically:
- You will have complete freedom to trade with characters from your shard.
- You won't be able to trade certain items with people from the other shards, such as Outpost drilled and crafted items.
- You won't be able to exchange dappers or items with Cho inhabitants. This restriction might change depending on Cho's evolution.
- A new tab should appear in your Identity window ("p"). It will indicate:
- Your knowledge of Atys scores (previously refered to as "Ring points").
- The Ring Reward Points you earned in adventures (this system won't be activated in this patch).
- Your ratings as a scenario creator, as an adventure master and as a scenario organiser (these ratings won't progress until we activate the "RRP").
- There will be small improvements and fixes for the Ring (a Ring chat only available in the Ring and bound to your shard, the loading time when accessing an adventure should be shortened, some components are renamed, etc.).
- If you didn't have a look yet, we invite you to play with the two scenarios called "A Hearty Meal" (for level 100 characters) and "Plight Of Trigio" (for level 150 characters) in these recently opened sections (in the "load scenario" window):
- "Nevrax Examples", which is the section for scenarios created by the devs.
- "Pioneer Scenarios", which are scenarios created by the Event team or submitted to them by players (and accepted).
[Edited at 12:20 GMT+2] The patch was originally scheduled for today but we decided to postpone it.
[Edited at 16:15 GMT+2] Given your feedback, we will change the trading rule for Cho. Unlike announced, it will now be impossible to trade with characters from Cho. Moreover, we will also change the level cap for the Free Trials from 19 to 21. This way, they will be able to completely finish the first branch of each skill tree.
Wednesday,04 October , 2006 at 18:30 UTC
- Characters from the same homeland can exchange/trade any items;
- Characters from different homeland can only trade "plot items", which are Ring specific.
Moreover, you won't be able to put your adventures online anymore from the Ring editor if your character is on Ruins of Silan (starter island).
We will also perform a small maintenance of the billing system. So, during a few minutes between 11:30 and 12:00 GMT+2 you won't be able to access the profile page.
Reminder about Cho: its support language will be English and it will be bound to the English speaking community's forums. Find more info in Monday's news.
Monday,02 October , 2006 at 17:15 UTC
- Ticks on Leanon and Aniro will be resynchronised. After the patch tomorrow, you will be back in 2536 on Leanon and 2535 on Aniro. This glitch appeared after the maintenance of last week, where the shards reopened with a wrong tick bringing you back in 2525. As a result, the number of days of your guilds existence were adversely affected. With the resynchronisation, this will be fixed. For the corrected tick, we will consider that the last (IRL) week existed on Atys.
- A new international shard will open with the Ring release. Please welcome "Cho" tomorrow! Its support language will be English and it will be bound to the English speaking community's forums.
Regarding the Episode 2 on this shard, we will consider that each Faction won the battles on the lands where they are stronger, meaning: - A Kami temple will be built near Zora and Pyr
- A Karavan temple will be built near Yrkanis and Fairhaven
- The NPCs porting to the Almati Wood and giving citizenship and allegiance will be present.
EDIT (10.03): We won't open Cho. A few issues regarding the game experience of players on Cho made us decide to postpone its opening for a few days. Moreover, opening a new shard doesn't mean that we will merge all the shards together. This is not our intention. The new shard was meant to help us welcome new players.
Thursday,28 September , 2006 at 08:42 UTC
Concerning Ryzom:
- Good news for our friends foragers, the sources spots on Atys will be moved back to their original place.
Concerning Ryzom Ring:
- Area of Effect stanzas should work properly;
- 11 new components will enable you more possibilities to design events and missions. Among them, you will have new scenery object interactions (event that removes an object, getting an item from an object...) and new missions tasks (visit a zone, target a mob, kill a NPC...).
- Transitions between Edit and Test modes should be smoother.
20:05 BST - Quick update
You may have noticed tonight that we've locked the Ring around 18:30 BST until now. If you were in the Ring before 18:30 you could still play in it, however if you tried to get in after 18:30 it was not possible.
We've had to close its access to prepare a quick Ring terminal bug fix. As a result you will have 5.4 MB to patch.
Tuesday,19 September , 2006 at 19:23 UTC
- As announced at the IRL last Saturday, in order to celebrate the 2 years of Ryzom, we will offer you access to a preview of Ryzom Ring for 2 weeks. Any Ryzom subscriber will be able to play in Ring adventures via Ring terminals on the mainland. To be able to edit or create an adventure with more items on the palette and more maps, you will need to unlock Ring points by visiting Atys. However, until the Ring release, the content available in the editor will remain capped around the "level 150".
Free Trial accounts won't be able to play an adventure. They could test the editing part of Ryzom Ring and create their own adventures, but not play them. They will access the Ring editor via the character selection window.
- The ability to heal while being neutral during an Outpost battle should be fixed. When choosing to stay neutral, you should be able to heal only other neutral players.
- The behaviour of the temporary inventory should be back as before, except that if you die or are disconnected from the game, the mats that were in the window are automatically added in your bag (if you have enough room). Though, this won't be the case for raw materials being harvested as the action is not over.
- When you finish a mission providing a reward (RoS missions only), the NPC currently gives you the reward that then appears in a temporary window. But if you don't have room in your bag, you can't take it and it may not end up in your inventory.
After the patch, the NPC automatically check if you have enough room in your bag. If you don't, then an additional mission step will appear asking you to talk again to the NPC when you have more room in your bag. Once you're ready and come back to the NPC, this time the temporary inventory will open with the reward in it. - A Kitin boss in the Outlaw Canyon, which wasn't dropping enough mats, should be less stingy and drop the appropriate quantity.
- If you want or need to relog with another character, you won't need to relaunch your client anymore. All you will need to do is to select "Character selection" after clicking on "Quit" in the windows pad (or pressing alt-F4).
- Cross server chats will be added. How to contact someone from another shard (here the character is called Alizee and plays on Aniro): /tell ani.alizee or /tell aniro.alizee or /tell alizee(aniro) blablah
Find more details here. - When creating a new character, after selecting your server, you will be able to choose amongst several key bindings:
- 3 basic configurations to move your character (arrows, WASD or ZQSD).
- The key bindings of your already existing characters.
And last, for those who are worried about the patch size, you'll have only 8.7 MB to patch!
Thursday,14 September , 2006 at 16:00 UTC
If you installed Ryzom with our latest available installer, here's what you should have to patch:
- Patch 508: 27.6 MB (patch done yesterday)
- Patch 509: 24.3 MB (patch done today)
- Patch 510: 105.1 MB (patch scheduled for tomorrow)
- Patch 511: 43.8 MB
- Patch 512: 14.7 MB
If you used an older version of the installer to install Ryzom, you should have to patch more. Indeed, some Ring file are already included in our latest installshield. What to expect:
- Patch 508: 92.8 MB (patch done yesterday)
- Patch 509: 120.9 MB (patch done today)
- Patch 510: 213.3 MB (patch scheduled for tomorrow)
- Patch 511: 164.9 MB
- Patch 512: 91.3 MB
Monday,11 September , 2006 at 16:30 UTC
Wednesday,19 July , 2006 at 17:00 UTC
- The Wastelands map should be fixed to fit better in its window (its coordinates were wrongly modified in a recent patch);
- The Karavan Altar of Scorched Corridor will be slightly moved to fix the stuck issues you can get when teleporting there;
- Herbivores' drops will increase;
- The temporary inventory should behave a bit differently: when you die or log off while your temporary inventory is open, the items in it should be automatically transferred to your inventory (in case you have enough space in your bag);
- The Yubo population in the Ruins of Silan will be increased;
- The Gingo's Lair in the Ruins of Silan will be renamed "Ragus Lair" to be more consistent.
Wednesday,12 July , 2006 at 13:02 UTC
Wednesday,05 July , 2006 at 17:35 UTC
- The Javing population will be increased in the Ruins of Silan;
- The Outpost amplifiers effect that was unintentionally reduced in the last patch (#500) will be fixed: the success rate should be back to 20%;
- Several mistakes in texts in the three languages should be corrected;
- The mission code bug we experienced after the last patch will be fixed; we also reworked on the domino effect fix, as the one we applied after the patch 500 was a quick fix.
Thursday,15 June , 2006 at 17:00 UTC
You can have a look at the content of the patch in this news, or in the corresponding Release Notes.
Important! When you log in, your guild list, contact list or encyclopedia may take several minutes to load. This should occur only the first time you log in after the patch. To force the update, you can try relogging. If you keep having troubles, feel free to contact the CS.
Have a nice day on Atys!
Wednesday,14 June , 2006 at 17:00 UTC
The billing system which is handling your account profile is also accessible again.
Important: you can't play yet, as the shards are down. You can follow the patch deployment progression on this page.
Friday,09 June , 2006 at 18:35 UTC
As you won't be able to play during the patch, 4 extra days will be credited to your account.
This heavy patch includes a change in the server architecture that will allow you to meet players from other servers in Ring sessions later. Once the patch is done, your account will grant you access to Arispotle, Aniro and Leanon. You will still have 5 slots for your characters, but when creating new characters you now get to choose the server that they will play on. Characters are still bound to a server, meaning that you won't be able to play on different servers with the same character.
Note for the testers: during the live servers downtime, the Ring Alpha will remain open; the ATS 2 will be closed and won't reopen. A big thanks to the ATS testers for all the hours spent on testing the different features! :)
- The New Player Experience (NPE) called "Ruins of Silan", which is the major addition of this patch
- The new interface
- Emotes, which will take into account the player characters' gender
- A new melee & range combat stanza
- The Outpost crafting tool adding an energy bonus of +20, which effect will be improved
- Jewels magic protections, whose effects against mobs' magical critical hits should work properly
- Actions on guild members: the issue which refrained from kicking/promoting members should be fixed
- The missile of the launcher, which should be displayed correctly
- Landmarks, to allow you to add landmarks at the precise location of your character
- The access to the inventory of your mektoubs when you craft, which will be limitated to the stables where they rest.
Note: the command to teleport them is not reactivated - The position of team members on the map, which should be more accurate
- The "undetermined" fame status, to make it work as intended with the merchants: as long as you remain "undetermined", fames higher than 50 are considered as being 50 and not more
- The healing possibilities in PvP areas (the arena and GvG regions), where you should be able to heal your team members again
- The safe zones in GvG areas (Nexus, Lands of Umbra): someone inside a safe zone shouldn't be able to attack another character anymore
- Texts in the compass: the texts displayed below will be entirely readable
- A new team command: /invite playername, enabling remote invitation
- German, French and English texts, which should be cleaner
- Some collision optimisation all over Atys, especially in Zoraï landscape
- A few new chat commands and a new channel:
- say: /say ; /s
- shout: /shout ; /sh ; /yell ; /y
- region: /region ; /re ; /r
- universe: /universe ; /u (new channel accessible all over Atys and the NPE)
- team: /team ; /te ; /party ; /p
- guild: /guild ; /gu ; /g
To let you follow the patch deployment progression, we have set up a special status page, which we will update in real time while the shards are offline.
Tuesday,30 May , 2006 at 17:40 UTC
Friday,05 May , 2006 at 19:10 UTC
We talked about it some time ago in this Q&A. This patch will require the shards to be down several days, to ensure everything goes well.
As we will most likely patch this month (May), we inform you right now that we will need to close the servers for 4 days. This heavy technical patch will prepare the shards for the NPE and, later, the Ring release.
We will tell you more about that patch later this month. Stay tuned!
Wednesday,29 March , 2006 at 16:14 UTC
Tomorrow Thursday 30, we will apply a patch on the live shards. As a result, they will be closed from 10 am to 3 pm (GMT+2, Paris time). Moreover, as we will start with a software maintenance, the profile section on the website won't be accessible from 10 am to 11 am, meaning you won't be able to manage your account nor create a new one during this time.
In a nutshell:
- The Dew Drops Kami altar is slightly modified; you shouldn't be stuck anymore when you teleport there.
- The Outpost material giving the critical effect bonus is modified for range weapons, so that the critical rate matches the new rate applied recently to melee weapons (see patch 123).
- More information is added in two system messages related to PvP timers. In addition to inform you that you can't perform an action, they will indicate the remaining time before being able to do it again.
- New text characters can now be added in the landmarks system, such as @ _ <space>.
- You may now invite players to your guild from a distance. The player you wish to invite must be online, then you have to type:
/guildinvite name_of_character_online
Wednesday,15 March , 2006 at 17:19 UTC
Tomorrow Thursday we will apply a patch on the live servers. As a result, they will be closed from 11 am to 3 pm (GMT+1, Paris time).
This patch will fix a few bugs (Region chat bug, Rilonyx vest penalty) and also modify some features (Outpost material effect, safe zones, PvP timers, used tools).
- The Region chat bug should be fixed; you should not hear what is said in the other regions anymore.
- The Outpost weapon material which gives the critical attack effect will have its critical rate increased.
- The safe zones will be undergoing some modifications. They will work with both Outpost PvP and Faction PvP.
- The safe zones are activated when you respawn, use a teleport ticket or pass through an intercontinental portal.
- These small zones remain safe until you start a PvP action (attacking an enemy; healing an OP PvP ally; healing a flaggued ally). Once it's done, you aren't safe anymore.
- When you leave the safe zone, you become attackable.
However, if you don't start a PvP action and come back to this safe zone or go to another one, you'll be safe again.
If you initiate a PvP action, all the safe zones will be deactivated until you die or use a teleport ticket. - If you've logged out in a safe zone, all the safe zones will be active when you relog. But, if you've logged out anywhere else in Atys, then all the safe zones will be inactive when you log back in, until you die, teleport or pass an intercontinental portal.
- The Faction PvP timers will change with this patch.
I invite you to read the news from yesterday for more details.
- All the tools have their HP reset (yes, one more time). This time it includes tools in your apartment, guildhall, mektoubs and bags.
- The action penalty value of the Rilonyx vest is reduced to be the same as the value of the other medium armour pieces (+5).
Thursday,02 March , 2006 at 15:42 UTC
Note: this patch only concerns players who logged on Atys after today's patch. If you haven't logged yet, you won't encounter the bug described below.
After the patch of today, a bug has appeared on the respawn points: anyone had access to both Kami and Karavan respawn points, regardless of the allegiance.
A corrective patch has been prepared this afternoon, and is being patched right now on Arispotle. This server should be re-opened in less than one hour, before 6pm (GMT+1). The two other servers should be patched afterwards.
After this patch, at your first death you should see all respawn points on your map, but eventhough you can select any respawn, you will end up in one from your faction. Once you died once, your respawn points should behave normally again.
Wednesday,01 March , 2006 at 19:34 UTC
Tomorrow Thursday (the 2nd) we will apply a patch to correct several bugs. As a result, the live servers will be closed from 11am to 3pm (GMT+1, Paris time).
The main elements that will be modified are the tools, Outposts rewards, respawn points, mektoubs and resists.
- Tools
- They won't be usable anymore once worn out. All the tools are concerned by the change: usual ones, Episode 2 rewards and Outpost ones. However, while you couldn't use them anymore, you could still be able to hold them, for the show. ;)
- As a compensation, all the currently used or worn out tools will be repaired, to be back to their brand new state.
- Outposts
- 4 level 200 Outposts will be modified: they will gather another raw material. You can find the names of these Outposts in the forum.
- Moreover, the global balance of the Outposts is revamped. 6 Outposts (from level 50 to level 150) will drill another raw material consequently.
- Respawn points in faction PvP
- Capital city respawn points will always stay active (once you validated them).
- If you are engaged in FvF battle and die, respawn points located in the region you are will be deactivated. If anyone heals you, or if you respawn in another region, the respawn points you lost will re-appear. Losing a respawn point is just a temporary constraint linked to FvF, preventing players from reaching too easily the battlefield after a death.
This rule was designed to avoid Spires from being too easily destructible. If the Spire attackers die, they would have to respawn in another region and then come back.
- Mektoubs
- Mektoubs will be exchangeable again. Note that their inventory needs to be empty in order to be able to trade them.
- Resists
- If you equip your jewels in an apartement or guild hall located in your native country, and then teleport to a different ecosystem, you currently keep your native resist bonuses. It won't be possible anymore: if you teleport to another ecosystem, you will lose those specific bonuses.
- Fauna
- The path of some mobs that were regularly crossing a teleport area in the Fount (Tryker land), will be modified so that they don't cross it anymore. Note that if they've been running after some unlucky homin, they may still cross that area to go back to their original place.
Wednesday,15 February , 2006 at 18:29 UTC
We will apply a server side patch tomorrow Thursday. As a result, the live servers will be closed from 9am to 3pm (GMT+1, Paris time).
Here's the list of what this patch brings:
- It brings the clean correction to the neutral TP tickets issue, which was first fixed through a hotfix two weeks ago.
- The behavior of the game system regarding the kitin larvae is improved; they will spawn less frequently, to ensure the larvae remain rare. After this patch, they should be available for foraging only for a short amount of time, and respawn after several hours only.
- Some timers in the foraging system are slightly modified. The devs
found an error in the code (some configuration variables were not
correctly interpreted) and corrected this for the patch. As a result:
- The respawn timer for resources that spawn on their own is reduced, to reappear more quickly.
- The regeneration speed of the Kami Tolerance on all resources is slightly increased.
- Resources respawn slightly faster in all areas.
- In Sunken City, the path of mobs that were regularly crossing a teleport area is modified in order that they don't come to that teleport anymore.
- In the English version of the game only, several texts of emotes
and effects (text informing about invulnerability, about link
spell effects on the target...) are undergoing some minor
For example, the emote associated with /polite when targetting oneself currently displays:is much too polite to do anything to anyone. After the patch: is too polite to do any harm to anyone.
Wednesday,25 January , 2006 at 17:10 UTC
We will apply a small server side patch tomorrow Thursday. As a result, all the live servers will be closed from 11am to 2pm GMT+1 (Paris time).
This patch will fix two things:
- The Yubo XP exploit:
This exploit should not be possible anymore. If you encounter any other flaw, please report it to your favorite CSR - as previously said on the boards this week, we will not be tolerant with such behavior. - The guild fame status:
Some guilds experienced status change to undetermined when they should have not. This issue affects recently created guilds only and happens in case of server reboot; it shouldn't happen after the patch anymore. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Wednesday,11 January , 2006 at 19:01 UTC
We will apply a corrective patch to the live servers tomorrow Thursday. They will thus be unavailable from 11am to 3pm GMT+1 (Paris time).
In a nutshell:- The Outpost forage tool will be craftable;
- War declaration costs will increase;
- A war declaration won't be cancelable anymore;
- A guild won't be able to abandon its Outpost anymore. Unless if it owns 10 Outposts (the maximum a guild can own), in which case it can abandon 1;
- When you leave an Outpost area during a war session, an Outpost PvP timer starts and lasts for 10 minutes, which is the time you have to wait before not being involved in PvP anymore.
Each time you will heal an ally or attack an enemy of the Outpost within this time, the timer will restart to 10 minutes. - Respawn points will be safe zones even in PvP;
- Mektoubs won't be exchangeable anymore for the time being;
- Some altars will be back to their right place;
- Tickets at Oflovak Oasis will be fixed.
Wednesday,21 December , 2005 at 21:30 UTC
Tomorrow, we'll apply a corrective patch to the live servers - they will thus be unavailable from 10 am to 4 pm GMT+1. Read more to get details on the main fixes.
Merry Christmas! O:-)
- A fix for yesterday's issue with the Outposts on Aniro: if the shard is brought down in the few hours following an Outpost battle, the round number will now be correctly recorded. Please note that the battle has to be finished - if the shard is brought down in the middle of a fight, the phase is reset, to ensure fairness (we are also adding a note in the Outpost info window to warn you when this happens).
- Some neutral players could end up in a situation where they could be damaged by other players but could not fight back. This will be fixed. It was a side effect to the former PvP areas. Those areas are removed from Atys as they have no more use with the new PvP rules.
- The server rounds tribes fame values currently; when your fame is -50, depending on the rounding, the server either sees this value as -50 or -51. There are thus cases where you are 'Kill on Sight' at -50, and cases where you aren't KoS at -50. If you want to make sure you are KoS by a tribe, you need to have -51.
- The two altars which vanished will be back and in good shape. We are also fixing an access issue with one altar related to fame, and we are punishing a guard who grabbed back his altar to the right spot during the night! :)
- You will be able to craft the Outposts crafting tools. Just head to your regular trainer in order to get the specific stanza.
- The tribes fames will all be activated, so make sure you check your fame before getting too close to some of them.
- You should find more info in your fame window about citizenship, all you need is to read the right tooltips.
Friday,16 December , 2005 at 18:45 UTC
Monday the 19th, we will patch Chapter III on the live servers, which includes Outposts and Fame System Second Edition. As a result, the shards will be closed from 9am to 6pm on Monday (GMT+1, Paris time).
Time to take the challenge of getting your own Outpost! :D
The ATS will remain opened to all the players until further notice.
Friday,09 December , 2005 at 18:10 UTC
We patched today several small fixes and bugfixes on the ATS, mainly for NPC missions givers, PvP flag, and the guild inventory in Outposts.
• Before this patch, these NPC were giving you the mission whatever your fame was, but once you finished the mission and came back, they noticed your fame was too low and refused to give you citizenship/religion. Now this is fixed: you must have a fame of +30 in order to be able to take the mission.
• The PvP flag won't be displayed anymore when your PvP tag is off. When it is active, and the PvP tag is off, you are now still able to fight in PvP.
• Your guild inventory is popping as soon as you win an Outpost. Then, it won't pop up anymore when you enter again the Outpost area, but will appear in a tab in your inventory window ("i").
• There is also a known bug on altars: a third are not working as intended. For example, Kamists can buy some Karavan TP tickets, although they shouldn't.
Thursday,08 December , 2005 at 16:30 UTC
We patched the ATS today Thursday to add features to test. Basically, Outposts timers are changed to the normal ones, and their specific materials will be now available and craftable. Citizenship and religion missions are also added. :)
Caution! Many (almost all in fact) English and German translations are lacking in this Outposts and Fame version. They will come with a next patch. Please read carefully the explanations below, especially if you plan to test these features on the ATS.
Have fun while testing. :)
A] Timers
Timers are now set up as they are planned to be on the live servers. I'll remind you here how it's meant to work:
1. Attackers side
When you declare war against an outpost, you have to choose a time for the attack. The attack stage starts 24 hours after you declared war (until now on the ATS, you could just ignore the attack time and start attacking right after declaring war).
One (rl) day later, when the chosen attack period is running, you will get 24 rounds to fight (until now, there was 12 only on the ATS).
2. Defenders side
When the attackers declared war, defenders have 24 hours to set a defence time. The defence stage starts 48h after the war declaration (first 24h + 24h attack stage). Defenders have the choice between 24 proposed times, and can change them during the first 24h, or even set them before anyone declares war to them.
B] Rewards
Outposts rewards will be included to appreciate Outposts entirely. You will be able to use materials fetched by the drills you own, which appear directly in the guild hall. Then you could use them with the new crafting plans. These plans are old homin plans (not Kami or Karavan ones) using materials fetched with Kami and Karavan technology.
Fame Missions
Attention! As a result, when you log after this patch, your status will be "undetermined", and you would have to choose citizenship by doing a mission, or neutrality; the same goes for your guild.
Let me explain how it does work (maybe it will also answer some of your questions). You may read again the first document about Fame System 2nd Edition here.
1. Concept
Those figures had an effect when meeting a representative of one of them, by influencing the way NPCs would react with players and with each others.
This is going to get somewhat more formal, as you can now become a citizen of one of the four civilizations, and as a separate thing, you can dedicate yourself to one of the two religions, Kami or Karavan. Neutral is an option instead of citizenship and/or faith.
Being member of a religion or a citizen, will influence the maximum and minimum fame points you can have with the varied factions (tribes also).
2. After the Chapter III live patch
• Personal choice
After this patch, any pre-patch character will have an “undetermined” status. When you are in an undetermined status, it means that you will not gain nor lose any faction points until you choose a mission in order to elect a citizenship or neutrality.
You need to choose between being neutral or to be affiliated to a civilization and/or a religion.
Still after the live patch, any new created character will be neutral by default, and will have to fulfill the pre-requisites and the adequate missions in order to become a citizen and / or a member of a religion (those missions can be found at specific NPC, more below).
Given the fact that you have the minimal fame value (30), in order to become a citizen and / or a member of a religion, you will have to pass through a mission, composed of a trial and a rite. Those missions are given by the appropriate Magistrate or Priest. As you will see below, you cannot make a choice in contradiction with your guild.
You can lose your link to a side, by losing loads of fame points or just by talking to the appropriate Magistrate or Priest. So make sure you are bashing the right mobs, NPC, tribes. ;)
• Guild choice
A character being citizen of a civilization or member of a religion different to the guild, cannot be member of that guild as he does not follow the same way of life.
If a guild leader of a given citizenship chooses to make the guild quit the civilization he swore allegiance to, all members of the guild will see their status become undetermined and will keep their actual points; but they will be considered as neutral.
They will then either have to choose to follow the new way chosen by the leaders of the guild, or to quit the guild and take their fame status back at the Magistrate or the Priest.
Given the fact that a guild has the minimal fame value (30), in order to become a citizen and/or a member of a religion, the leader or a high officer will have to pass through a mission, composed by a trial and a rite. Those missions are given by the appropriate Magistrate or Priest.
• Impact in game
Having fame (below -50) too low will make any NPC of this faction willing to kill you on sight (KoS).
Having a medium fame (range from 0 to -30) value will influence NPCs to sell you their goods at a very expensive rate.
From now on, Kami and Karavan will have their own Altars influenced by fame. The current number of Altars has been adapted, in order to not give a preference to one or the other, as kamists cannot get TP tickets from Karavan TP and vice versa. Neutral characters will have access to both types of Altars, except some high level regions, and except all the Prime Roots but the Nexus.
All Altars in game can now provide tickets.
Of course, you will be able to take part to a war if you are involved with one of the opposed faction (either Kami or Karavan at the moment).
3. Important notice about ATS patch
The first Fame version on the ATS isn't complete. Here are listed the missing features.
• Kill on sight
It's not enabled in this ATS version yet.
• Altars
The restrictions aren't patched yet (a pro Karavan can still buy Kami TP ticket, even though he shouldn't).
• Neutrality (in this case only: you are “undetermined” and you want to become neutral)
Version pre-live patch
In order to become neutral, you need to:
- have 30 in one civilization or religion;
- choose to be part of it by doing the mission and finishing it;
- then going back to the NPC and let him know that you want to quit this citizenship or religion. You are then neutral.
Version post-live patch
In order to become neutral, you will have to:
- click on the “Become Neutral” button on your fame interface;
- your fame points are then adjusted as required for the choice you have made.
The changes are rather harsh, so beware before deciding to become neutral.
If you already have a citizenship/religion, you will have to go to the NPC to become neutral. This button is only usable while having the “undetermined” status.
• Translations
That concerns those who don't play with the French version of the game: you will encounter many bugs in the messages display. This is normal, translations are not yet ready, and will come with a next patch.
Wednesday,30 November , 2005 at 13:26 UTC
Tomorrow Thursday 1st we will apply a small patch related to Episode 2 rewards. As a result, the shards will be closed from 10am to 12am (Paris time, GMT+1).
This patch will allow you to move the no drop items from your bag to your mektoubs and your apartment, and vice versa. In the meanwhile, the cost of rewards shields and pants will be multiplied by 5, and the pick cost multiplied by 3. Thus, a q250 shield costing 1400 honor points would then cost 7000 points.
So, you have until tomorrow 10am (GMT+1) to get these reward at a cheap price!
Monday,14 November , 2005 at 18:31 UTC
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15, we will apply a patch for Episode 2; the servers will be closed from 10am to 12am consequently (Paris time, GMT+1). This is a small bug fixing patch which won't have any influence on the current phase of Episode 2.
This patch will also start off the Ring Alpha test sessions. During the patch, we will run some tests to be sure there is no issue with the game and R² living together.
Wednesday,02 November , 2005 at 18:30 UTC
Tomorrow we will apply a small corrective patch for Episode 2. The content of the patch is related to levels of future mobs on the FvF specific zone. As a result, the shards will be closed from 10am to 2pm (Paris time, GMT+1) tomorrow.
Wednesday,26 October , 2005 at 18:01 UTC
Still in the process of tuning Episode 2, we will apply another corrective patch tomorrow. As a result, the shards will be closed from 10am to 2pm (Paris time, GMT+2) on Thursday.
This patch will correct the camp guards' behavior (the guards around your civilization faction temple will now respawn when killed) and add several faction chat channels for the duration of Episode 2:
- one additional chat per faction where you will be able to chat freely
with your faction mates;
- one additional chat per faction where you will get information from
the event team but won't be able to intervene;
- one additional chat, shared with everyone, where you will get
information from the event team but won't be able to intervene.
Only the last one is always visible, the two first are displayed as soon as you enter PvP zones (but don't disappear afterwards until you log off.
Also, remember you can still comment on EP2 in this feedback thread or directly by email to [email protected].
Wednesday,19 October , 2005 at 19:29 UTC
As promised yesterday, we'll tune some of elements from Episode 2. We wanted to react quickly on that one, so we'll apply the corrective patch tomorrow. As a result, the shards will be closed from 10am to 2pm (Paris time, GMT+2) on that day (Thursday).
- The Kami tolerance will be infinite on the Episode 2 PvP map. Please note that it will remain the same in all the other regions of Atys.
- The Desert foraging restriction on Episode 2 will also be removed, thus allowing any forager to harvest with his highest harvesting skill.
- On the Episode 2 PvP map, the kitins will respawn less quickly. The respawn delay will change from 2 minutes to 10 to 15 minutes depending on the Kitin type.
- There will also be a compensation for the Karavaneers, since the desert raw materials were giving an advantage to Fyros land foragers (mainly Kami followers).How we will proceed : for each server, we will use the Kami sanctuary that is the most advanced as reference (which happens to be the same for all the shards currently - the Fyros one). We'll look at the percentage of construction items for each part of the building (Root, Trunk, Core); then we will transform a part of the Karavan Pedestal item stock to Column and Column of Justice items, to obtain the same ratio as the one on the Kami sanctuaries in Fyros land.
Wednesday,05 October , 2005 at 18:02 UTC
Good news! We'll finally be able to patch tomorrow, as scheduled - the transportation services strike didn't succeed in its attempt to delay the Episode 2 patch. Don't expect much change in game after the patch, since the Episode 2 content will be triggered by the event team, once the right events have taken place.
So, tomorrow - Thursday - all servers will be down from 9am to 5pm (Paris time, GMT+2).
We hope the Gods will keep smiling at us! :)
Wednesday,28 September , 2005 at 18:03 UTC
As promised, tomorrow will be patch day! It will bring the elements currently listed in the Now In Test section, except the Episode 2, which is split in two patches (tomorrow and on October 6th), and will be started shortly afterwards, when the event team activates the triggers.
The focus of this patch is on the PvP rebalancing (see the [ C O M B A T ] section of the Now In Test section to get the details).
As a result, all live shards will be unavailable tomorrow from 9am to 5pm (Paris time, GMT+2).
Wednesday,10 August , 2005 at 18:01 UTC
Tomorrow (Thursday), we will patch all live servers with the elements currently listed in the Now In Test section of the Website, which has been updated to reflect the last changes and give extra details.
We will also use this opportunity to add new hard drives to the Web server to increase the available disk space. As a result, all shards will be down tomorrow from 9:30 am to 5 pm (Paris local time, GMT+2), and the Website (along with the website, the billing system, the chat servers, the server status script and the customer support tools) will be unavailable from 9:30 am to 11 am.
This patch is the last of the Spring Clean series, bringing fine-tuning, bugfixes, and internal technical changes to the game. After this one, we will be resuming regular content updates: the next major milestones are the Episode 2 and the Outposts (Chapter III).
[ E Q U I P M E N T ]
. About armors:
- In order to wear light armor your skill has to be less than 25 levels below the the armor's level. For example, you can wear a light armor whose level is 75 when you reach 50 in the appropriate skill.
- Medium and heavy armor require you to have a skill of 25 less than the level of the armor and the right consitution level.
. When an item is worn out, it is not automatically destroyed anymore. It is unequiped and marked with a red cross over its icon in your inventory. You then need to destroy it (this is the only action you can perform on worn out items).
[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]
. Changed destination name in teleporter window. Foreman has been renamed as Overseer to fit the NPC title in the english version of SoR.
Wednesday,29 June , 2005 at 18:05 UTC
Tomorrow, we'll apply a new patch on the live servers (applying some of the elements which are currently in test), and perform an hardware maintenance on the backup servers while we're at it. As a result, all shards will be down from 9 am to 4 pm (Paris local time, GMT+2). Basically, we'll do the maintenance first, from 9 am to 12 pm, then apply the patch from 12 pm to 4 pm - yes, the system engineers and the CSR team will be hungry when we'll reopen the shards. :-)
What's new
. The following points are related to events and aim at providing you a better visibility during PvP events. During a PvP faction event, character names will be given special colors, according to the following ruleset:
Red: the character is an opponent; Light purple: the character is an ally and is in your team; Dark Purple: the character is an ally and in your guild; Dark Blue: the character is an ally; Regular Blue: the character is either not engaged in the faction war, is out of the faction PvP zone or is not attackable yet.
A chat channel for characters of the same faction, which last up to 2 minutes after leaving the zone (unless you join a different PvP area); An icon representing your faction (Kami or Karavan) will appear above your characters head, which will help to differentiate better your allies from your enemies.
[ I N T E R F A C E ]
. Non-targeted NPCs have now their name displayed in grey.
. By default, whatever you target will have its name displayed in white.
. All these rules also apply to the colors used in the compass.
Bug Fixes
. Fixed a bug related to mektoubs inventory caused by the weight limit of 500. You were not able to fill several stacks of a type of item in these inventories. This was a weight issue which appeared when filling a mektoub inventory with stacks of 999 pistol ammo, which have a bigger weight than bulk. There is no more weight limit on mektoubs (packers and mounts).
[ P v P ]
. Fixed a bug that caused characters to be put in a loop of entering/leaving zone timers when entering a PvP zone while still engaged in a duel.
[ F I G H T I N G ]
. Fixed a bug to the 'icon mode' of the pad. You were not able to disengage by pressing the 'attack/disengage,' when you should have been able to.
[ E M O T E ]
. The /panick emote is replaced by /panic for players who use the english version of SoR.
Wednesday,08 June , 2005 at 18:03 UTC
Tomorrow (Thursday, June 9th) we will bring all servers down from 10 am to 2 pm, Paris local time (UTC+2), to apply a patch, made of bugfixes and tuning bits.
I've also created and filled the new In the Next Patch section of the website, with the elements from the In Development section that we are introducing on the live servers.
Thanks for your feedback everyone on these topics - since no major issue has been raised, we have moved quickly on that one.
Wednesday,01 June , 2005 at 14:18 UTC
Tomorrow, from 10 am to 2 pm (Paris local time), we will halt the shards to install a corrective patch. There will be no content in it, only bugfixes. As usual, the release notes will be published tomorrow during the downtime.
Thursday,26 May , 2005 at 22:44 UTC
Good news ! As you were able to see in the release notes for the patch 71 applied earlier today, we have finally been able to patch the content I was mentionning in my Q&A two weeks ago. We all hope you will be enjoying the changes. :-)
Wednesday,25 May , 2005 at 18:22 UTC
On Thursday, May 26th all the shards will be down from 11:00 to 17:00 Paris Local Time, while we are applying a patch. This is mainly a bugfix patch (read: this is not the patch originally scheduled for last week), but it will include a few content elements. Read the release note tomorrow to know more!